Sabine's Gull
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Sabine's Gull in Stearns County

'Rare Regular' in Minnesota - Five or fewer records in Stearns County for the Fall season

Sabine's Gull photographed at Albany Waste Treatment Ponds by Steve Broste on Sept. 5, 2016. It was at the east end of the westmost pond, feeding with a large group of Franklin's Gulls. It stood out as much smaller and sleeker than the other gulls, and was the only bird like it that I could see. Later I tentatively identified it as a juvenile Bonaparte's Gull, but others indicated on Facebook that it was a Sabine's Gull. Upon rechecking Sibley, I noted that the bill was much thicker than the Bonaparte's, and it fit the description of a juvenile Sabine's.

Steve Broste, Nikon D7100 with 500mm Nikkor lens and 1.4x teleconverter.