Western Wood-Pewee
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Western Wood-Pewee in Clay County

'Accidental' in Minnesota - Five or fewer records in Clay County for the Summer season

The Western Wood-Pewee first reported yesterday by Mark Otnes at Buffalo River State Park was observed by many fortunate birders today. Dedrick Benz, Brad Abendroth, and I arrived at the spot around 6:15 this morning and observed the bird throughout the next hour and a half along with several others. For most of that time, the bird was singing readily and interacting with at least three Eastern Wood-Pewees in the same area. The bird most often gave a nasal, descending "PREE-err" but also occasionally gave a harsh, nasal "BREEE" that did not rise or fall. Both of these vocalizations are consistent with the songs of Western Wood-Pewee. Physical differences between the species are probably not diagnostic, but some features may be supportive of Western such as a grayer, less contrasting throat (in comparison to the upperparts), duskier distal half of the lower mandible, and weaker upper wing bar.

Robert M. Dunlap