Harlequin Duck
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Harlequin Duck in Cass County

'Rare Regular' in Minnesota - Five or fewer records in Cass County for the Fall season

Decided to go on a little search for sea ducks this morning, and although I've really been hoping to find some scoters around here, I have to say I am much happier with what we found at the Walker Waste Treatment Plant this morning! While sorting through the Buffleheads feeding in the lower ponds, I came across a duck I have never seen before, but knew immediately to be a HARLEQUIN DUCK! I could hardly believe my eyes! We quickly realized how rare this must be and began frantically trying to get photos as three adult Bald Eagles continued to swoop above the ponds, scaring the waterfowl from pond to pond. A lifer for us and extra exciting because it turns out to be a first record for Cass County!

Becca Engdahl. Digiscoped with iPhone.