| | | | Species | T | O | County | W | H | Size | Location | Date | Observer |
Mute Swan | R | | Otter Tail | | | 0.07 | Feeding with 25 Trumpeter Swans at inlet of O | 2024-12-01 | Les Gunderson |
Tundra Swan | R | | Lake | | | 2.87 | | 2025-01-05 | Brandon Lentz |
Tundra Swan | R | | Lake | | | 0.09 | Large white swan, “U” shaped upper mandib | 2025-01-05 | Brandon Lentz |
Mottled Duck | A | | Dakota | | | 0 | | 2025-01-26 | Andrew Nyhus |
Mottled Duck | A | | Dakota | | | 0.11 | Mixed in with a large flock of Mallard at the | 2025-01-26 | Andrew Nyhus |
Mottled Duck | A | | Dakota | | | 0.07 | Seen at Nichols Road marsh | 2025-01-26 | Andrew Nyhus |
American White Pelican | R | # | Rice | | | 0.11 | This bird was hanging out below the dam in Ki | 2024-12-14 | Gerald Hoekstra |
Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's) | Q | | Carver | | | 0.1 | Ongoing bird I documented a few years ago [s | 2024-12-15 | Britt Dalbec |
Short-eared Owl | R | # | Redwood | | | 0.2 | Ron Erpelding and myself re-found the Short-e | 2025-01-30 | Brian T. Smith |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | R | # | Anoka | | | 0.09 | This Ruby-crowned Kinglet was seen on Decembe | 2024-12-20 | David Elfelt |
Eastern Bluebird | R | # | Clay | | | 0.06 | Three male Eastern Bluebirds at our heated bi | 2025-01-02 | Patrick B. Beauzay |
Townsend's Solitaire | R | # | Benton | | | 0.07 | Seen at Mayhew Creek Park. First found by Da | 2024-12-24 | Matthew Scott |
Hermit Thrush | R | # | Redwood | | | 0.17 | Found along 440th Street in Swedes Forest tow | 2024-12-06 | Brian T. Smith |
Varied Thrush | R | # | Marshall | | | 0.15 | First spotted on December 12 in Warren.
| 2024-12-12 | Heidi Hughes |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | R | # | Otter Tail | | | 0.08 | Was working the backyard feeders with the Dar | 2025-02-05 | Les Gunderson |
Chipping Sparrow | R | # | Fillmore | | | 3.98 | Entrance to Oak Grove Cemetery, Rushford, MN | 2025-02-02 | Todd Mitchell |
Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) | Q | # | Otter Tail | | | 0.18 | Mixed in with other juncos and House Finches | 2025-01-08 | Les Gunderson |
Savannah Sparrow | R | | Grant | | | 0.19 | | 2025-01-15 | Charlene Nelson |
Spotted Towhee | R | # | Anoka | | | 0.06 | Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park | 2025-01-01 | Peter Mundale |
Brown-headed Cowbird | R | # | Fillmore | | | 9 | Rushford, backyard. | 2024-12-10 | Todd Mitchell |
| | Brewer's Blackbird | R | | Red Lake | | | 0.08 | Brewer's Blackbird in a cattle pen in Plummer | 2025-01-24 | Paula Cater |
Cape May Warbler | R | # | Wabasha | | | 0.15 | | 2025-01-06 | Carla Sherack |