~ The Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Awards & Recognitions Committee ~

In recent years, the MOU presents as many as four awards annually to recognize those with achievements in the following categories:

• The Thomas S. Roberts Memorial Award has traditionally been the MOU's lifetime achievement award. This award is for “Outstanding Contributions to Minnesota Ornithology and Birding”, with previous recipients having contributed to the ornithology in many different ways. For example, one served as President of both the MOU and the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, another taught ornithology courses for 32 years and thereby ignited interest in birding and bird conservation for countless students, and the 2018 recipient was recognized as a “mentor, motivator, educator, instigator, traveler, adventurer, story-teller, legislative liaison, and bird bander.”

• The Brother Theodore Voelker Award is for “Special Achievement in Field Ornithology" during the past year. The award honors field ornithology in one of three categories: significant bird sighting(s); something written (e.g., journal article, book, or technical paper); or a field research project, as well as involvement in special events, conservation, mentoring, and education. The Voelker Award has been presented to people whose achievements have ranged from spotting first state record birds to taking action to conserve land critical to boreal species in Minnesota.

The Young Birder Award is given to a person under 25 years old who has contributed to our knowledge of Minnesota birds or to the MOU. Young birders have received the award for an assortment of achievements, including starting birding clubs, participating in dozens of Christmas Bird Counts and Birdathons, and volunteering at places like Hawk Ridge.

The Volunteer of the Year Award, created in 2019, is presented to a person whose dedicated, useful service to the MOU and/or the birding community at large has made a significant difference, and is a way for the MOU to honor those individuals who have devoted many hours and much energy to the good of birds. Nominees should be actively involved with birds, with bird-related conservation, and/or with the MOU. Nominees do not have to be members of the MOU. Current MOU officers and/or Board members are not eligible for this Award.

These awards are presented each year at the MOU’s Paper Session/Annual Meeting, typically held on the first Saturday in December. Award descriptions and the names of all previous Award recipients are listed below and the presentation speeches for the awards are available from 2009 and forward.

To nominate someone for an award, please provide the Awards Committee a description of the contributions which you believe makes your nominee a candidate to receive an award. Your written description typically forms the basis for the award presentations, and we encourage you to present the award should your nominee win. We know that not everyone is comfortable speaking publicly or writing a presentation, so please contact us if you would like assistance in either regard. Nominations are due no later than October 15 and can be emailed to Awards Committee Chair Liz Harper at awards@moumn.org (if you prefer to send your nomination by mail or other means, please contact Liz via email for assistance). Thank-you for your interest in MOU’s Awards!

Certificates of Appreciation

Throughout the year, the Awards Committee issues Certificates of Appreciation to individuals, businesses, or others with a "rare" bird on their property who provide access for visiting birders. A complimentary MOU membership is included with a Certificate for non-MOU members. The following are criteria which could be relevant when a Certificate is proposed:

Please contact Liz Harper, chair of the Awards Committee, if you would like to propose that a Certificate of Appreciation be issued. The awards chairman can be reached at awards@moumn.org. Thank-you!

See the following for the names of the recipients from previous years. These awards are presented each year at the MOU's Papers Session / Annual Meeting, and the texts of these presentations since 2009 which are still available are included below. Click on the in front of the name to see the presentation text.

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2009 - Paul M. Egeland
2010 - Al E. Batt
2011 - James P. Mattsson
2012 - Fred Z. Lesher
2013 - Steve Millard
2014 - Steven G. Wilson
2015 - Dr. Merrill Frydendall
2016 - Gerald J. Niemi
2017 - Craig Mandel
2018 - Tom Bell
2019 - Paul Budde
2020 - Laura Erickson
2021 - Lee Pfannmuller
2022 - Dr. Francesca Cuthbert
2023 - Ann Kessen
2024 - Bill Litkey


2010 - Karl Bardon
2011 - Jan & Larry Kraemer
2012 - Anthony Hertzel & Peder Svingen
2013 - Karl Bardon
2014 - Mark "Sparky" Stensaas
2015 - Bruce Fall
2016 - Pete Hoeger
2016 - Kathleen MacAulay
2017 - John Richardson
2018 - Jim Pifher and Jean Ranweiler
2019 - Jim Lind
2020 - Ezra Hosch
2020 - Frank Nicoletti
2021 - Ezra Hosch
2022 - Kara Snow and Steve Kolbe
2023 - Hannah Toutonghi
2024 - Karl Bardon


2010 - Kevin Gohman & Benjamin Stubbs
2012 - Lars Benson
2013 - Garrett Wee
2014 - Clinton Nienhaus
2015 - Noah Kuck
2016 - Alex Sundvall
2018 - Abbie Valine
2019 - Breanna Wagner
2020 - Ezra Hosch
2021 - Frank Fabbro
2022 - Nolan Meyer
2023 - Sean McLaughlin
2024 - Isabel Martinez


2019 - Lisa Keitel
2020 - Linda Whyte
2021 - Pam Albin
2022 - Jack Hauser
2022 - Bruce Fall
2023 - Peder Svingen
2024 - Chad Heins