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The information is provided in this order: title/subject, page number, issue date.
The following abbreviations have been used:ABA = American Birding Association
DNR = Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
MBW = Minnesota Birding Weekend
Minn. = Minnesota
NWR = National Wildlife Refuge
OTR = On the Road (column)
RT = Road Trip (column)
WSO = Wisconsin Ornithological Society-----------
100 years ago, 13 Jan/Feb00
40th Ave West, Duluth guide, 16 Sep/Oct00ABA meeting report, 8 May/Jun93
Adopt-a-county idea, 5 Jan/Feb96
Adopt-a-county, 2 Mar/Apr96
Africa highlights, 17 Jul/Aug98
Agahming Park guide, 10 Mar/Apr99
Aitkin Co. Golden-winged Warblers. 6 Nov/Dec93
Aitkin Co. guide, 9 Jan/Feb00
Aitkin Co. trip report, 9 Jul/Aug95
Alaska trip report, 13 Jul/Aug96
Albert Lea Audubon receives award, 4 Nov/Dec97
Albert Lea warbler highlights, 3 Jul/Aug93
Alt receives Voelker, 5 Jan/Feb01
American White Pelican rehabbed, 9 May/Jun98
Arizona highlights, 13 Nov/Dec95
Arizona highlights, 24 Nov/Dec98
Arizona trip highlights, 21 Nov/Dec97
Arizona trip report, 16 Nov/Dec96
Arizona trip report, 8 Nov/Dec94
Aspergillosus killing Pine Siskins, 12 Jul/Aug95
At-risk, 4 species added to MN list, 1 Mar/Apr96Bardon receives Voelker, 2 Jan/Feb93
Batt profile, 23 May/Jun98
Baudette MN birding, 9 Jan/Feb96
Belize sites, 16 Jan/Feb99
Bell Museum collection moves, 4 May/Jun93
Bell Museum faculty visit Africa, 18 Nov/Dec98
Bell Museum names new director, 5 Jan/Feb95
Bell Museum space for MOU, 8 Sep/Oct93
Beneke receives Voelker, 3 Jan/Feb98
Big day highlights: various locations, 2 Jul/Aug93
Big Stone Festival highlights, 22 Jul/Aug99
Big Stone NWR essay, 8 Mar/Apr00
Big Stone NWR shorebird guide, 7 Mar/Apr00
Bird feeders in MN: guide, 5 Mar/Apr00
Birding essay, 14 Nov/Dec99
Birding gear by mail, 12 Sep/Oct93
Birding orgs directory, 11 Jan/Feb94
Birding skills improvement, 6 May/Jun00
Black-backed Woodpeckers follow fire, 18 Jan/Feb99
Blackbirds poisoned in SD, 14-25 Sep/Oct01
Black-throated Blue Warbler RT, 5 Sep/Oct93
Black-throated Blue Warbler RT, 9 Jul/Aug93
Black-throated Sparrow, 4 Mar/Apr93
Bluebird recovery essays, 8-14 Sep/Oct00
Book by Jan Green, 9 Nov/Dec95
Books about birding, 4 Mar/Apr00
Books on MN birds, 8 Jul/Aug96
Bordering states birding, pt. 1, 20 May/Jun99
Bordering states birding, pt. 2, 14 Jul/Aug99
Boreal Chickadee, 9 Jan/Feb95
Boreal Owl highlights, 11 Jul/Aug93
Boreal Owl highlights, 12 Jul/Aug96
Boreal Owl report, 14 Sep/Oct99
Boreal Owl report, 23 May/Jun99
Boreal Owl report, 8 Jul/Aug98
Boreal Owls and logging, 20 Nov/Dec98
Breckenridge profile, 4 Nov/Dec93
Breckenridge's memories, 5 Mar/Apr97
Breeding Bird Survey essay, 4 May/Jun97
Buff-breasted Sandpiper RT, 9 Sep/Oct94
Business card for birders, 15 Nov/Dec93California highlights, 10 Jul/Aug93
California trip report, 13 Nov/Dec94
Calliope Hummer in MN, 10 Jan/Feb95
Canada Goose issues, 9 Mar/Apr98
Carlos-Avery OTR, 14 May/Jun97
Carved decoys, 12 Jan/Feb93
Carver Co. birding, 7 Sep/Oct94
Cat vs. bird essay, 23 Nov/Dec99
Cat-bite trauma, 20 Jan/Feb00
Cats controlled in some MN cities, 17 Nov/Dec98
Cats killing birds pt. 2, 18 Nov/Dec96
Cats killing birds, 3 May/Jun96
CBC owls essay, 13 Nov/Dec00
Chasing essay, 13 Jul/Aug98
Churchill highlights, 14 Nov/Dec93
Clay Co. guide, 18 Jul/Aug99
Clay, Lincoln, Lyons Co. highlights, 9 Nov/Dec95
Clearwater Co. OTR, 10 Sep/Oct95
Climate change effects on birds: feature, 12-16 Mar/Apr00
Code of Ethics (ABA), 1 Sep/Oct94
Code of ethics (Britain), 11 Nov/Dec94
Code of Ethics details (ABA), 22 Nov/Dec97
Code of Ethics updated (ABA), 16 May/Jun96
Common and rare species essay, 19 Nov/Dec96
Common Moorhen RT, 9 Jul/Aug94
Computer birding, 7 May/Jun93
Conjunctivitis killing House Finches, 18 Mar/Apr96
Connections in nature, essay, 10 Sep/Oct96
Conservation Committee created, 2Jan/Feb94
Cook Co. OTR, 18 Nov/Dec97
Cooper's Hawk essay, 19 Sep/Oct98
County Biological Survey explained, 11 Nov/Dec96
Cowbirds causing Silent Spring, 3 Sep/Oct93
Crex Meadows guide, 10 Mar/Apr95
Crow rehabbed: essay, 21 Mar/Apr01
Cyanide poisons SD birds, 12 May/Jun93Deep Portage, Cass Co. OTR, 6 May/Jun96
Deer and birds essay, 16 Jan/Feb97
Detroit Lake Festival highlights, 9 Jul/Aug99
Detroit Lakes Festival highlights, 5 Jul/Aug97
Detroit Lakes Festival highlights, 6 Jul/Aug01
Detroit Lakes Festival highlights, 9 Jul/Aug00
Documenting birds: how-to, 9 May/Jun00
Duluth fall birding, 16 Nov/Dec98
Duluth festival report, 6 Nov/Dec96
Duluth highlights, 13 May/Jun98
Duluth highlights, 19 Mar/Apr01
Duluth highlights, 21 Mar/Apr00
Duluth trip highlights, 9 Jan/Feb98
Duluth trip report, 6 Mar/Apr94
Dunne to speak at MOU banquet, 2 Nov/Dec95
Dunne to speak at MOU banquet, 5 Sep/Oct95
Dunne top 10 birding spots, 5 Sep/Oct95Eagle attacks hang-glider, 4 Sep/Oct93
Eagles at Wabasha, 7 Jan/Feb99
Eckert receives Voelker, 1 Jan/Feb95
Eckert receives Voelker, 3 Jan/Feb99
Ecotourism commandments, 13 Sep/Oct96
Erpelding receives Voelker, 5 Jan/Feb01
Eurasian Collared Dove invasion, 13 Mar/Apr99
Eurasian Tree Sparrow in MN, 22 Nov/Dec98
Eurasian Tree Sparrows IA guide, 12 Jan/Feb96
Evolution of a birder, pt. 1, 20 Nov/Dec97
Evolution of a birder, pt. 2, 15 Jan/Feb98Fall receives Roberts, 3 Jan/Feb98
Favorite MN birds, 17 May/Jun96
Feeding birds not harmful, 18 Jan/Feb97
Felton Prairie RT, 9 May/Jun95
Fillmore Co. land donation, 5 Jan/Feb97
Fillmore, Wabasha, Olmsted survey highlights, 10 Nov/Dec96
Flicker is new NAS president, 6 Nov/Dec95
Freeborn Co. OTR, 4 Jul/Aug96
Fridley birding trail, 14 Mar/Apr99Gardner profile, 16 Jan/Feb00
Glassel profile, 4 May/Jun98
Globally Important Areas in MN, 9 Nov/Dec01
Golden Eagle RT, 9 Nov/Dec93
Golden-winged Warblers in Aitkin, 6 Nov/Dec93
Goose poop art, 7 Jan/Feb98
Grassland bird conservation, 8 May/Jun99
Great Gray Owl RT, 11 Jan/Feb93
Great Horned Owl rehab essay, 12 Sep/Oct01
Greater Prairie-Chicken hunt, 20 Nov/Dec01
Greater Prairie-Chicken reintroduction, 4 Jul/Aug93
Grebe migration, 9 Mar/Apr97
Green receives Voelker, 3 Jan/Feb97
Green Violet-Ear in Wisconsin, 14 Jan/Feb99
Grey Cloud Island OTR, 6 Jan/Feb96
Gulls in November, 12 Nov/Dec01
Gunflint Boreal Days highlights, 8 Sep/Oct99
Gunflint Boreal Festival highlights, 17 Jul/Aug01
Gunflint Boreal Festival highlights, 19 Sep/Oct00Hang-gliding with eagles, 4 Sep/Oct93
Hawk ridge birdathon, 5 Jul/Aug94
Hawk Ridge records, 3 Jan/Feb93
Hawk Ridge records, 3 Jul/Aug95
Hawk Ridge season report, 10 Jan/Feb99
Hawk Ridge season report, 6 Jan/Feb97
Hawk Ridge season report, 19 May/Jun00
Hawk seen during commute, 3 Jul/Aug93
Heidel receives Roberts, 3 Jan/Feb97
Henderson receives Roberts, 1 Jan/Feb95
Heron Lake memories, 5 Mar/Apr96
Hertzel new Loon ed., 4 Jan/Feb97
Hertzel receives Voelker award, 3 Jan/Feb94
Holiday gifts, 12 Nov/Dec96
Horned Larks essay, 17 Mar/Apr01
House Finches & conjunctivitis, 18 Mar/Apr96
Houston Co. guide, 13 May/Jun99
Hummingbirds: watch for western species, 6 Sep/Oct00
Hunters and birders, 16 Sep/Oct99
Hunting birds, 11 Sep/Oct97Ivory-billed Woodpecker search, 7 Nov/Dec93
Jackson Lake, Heron Co. OTR, 4 Nov/Dec96
Jacques Memorial Preserve OTR, 14 Jul/Aug97
Janssen biography, 6 Jan/Feb93
Janssen honored at MOU Banquet, 5 Nov/Dec97
Janssen new MOU president, 2 Jan/Feb96
Japanese birders visit MN, 11 Sep/Oct94
John Jarosz profile, 14 Nov/Dec95
Johnson receives Roberts, 3 Jan/Feb00
July 4 trip report, 10 Sep/Oct94
Juncos with frost eye rings, 10 Jul/Aug94Kandiyohi Co., 12 Mar/Apr97
Kapper's Pools (Fillmore Co.) guide, 22 May/Jun01
Kartarik publishes poster, 4 Jan/Feb94
King Eider in Rock County, 14 Nov/Dec93
Krienke finds Sabine's Gull, 8 Nov/Dec93
Krych profile, 19 Mar/Apr97Lac Qui Parle highlights, 6 May/Jun93
Lake Vermillion guide, 22 Mar/Apr99
Landscaping for birds essay, 17 Sep/Oct99
Landscaping for birds essay, 22 Jul/Aug99
Lanyon new Bell director, 5 Jan/Feb95
Lark Sparrow RT, 9 May/Jun93
Las Vegas birding, 10 Jan/Feb94
Lead weights poison loons, 3 May/Jun93
Letter from Duluth: birding with a youngster, 9 Mar/Apr96
Letter from Duluth: communicating with the public about birds, 7 Jan/Feb96
Letter from Duluth: rehabber Jays, 8 Nov/Dec95
Life-listing philosophy, 23 Nov/Dec98
Life lists without stakeouts?, 6 Mar/Apr95
Life lists/stakeouts: responses, 6 May/Jun95
Life lists/stakeouts: responses, 8 Jul/Aug95
Life lists/stakeouts: responses, 8 Sep/Oct95
Listing rules, 22 Mar/Apr98
Listing thresholds in MOU changed; responses, 5 Nov/Dec98
Logging and Boreal Owls, 20 Nov/Dec98
Logging discussed by DNR, 5 Nov/Dec95
Logging plans considered by DNR (see Nov/Dec 95), 10 Mar/Apr96
Logging vs. N. Goshawks, 5 Mar/Apr98
Loon study receives grant, 12 Nov/Dec93
Loons: MN ranks second, 12 Jul/Aug93Married to a birder essay, 10 Jul/Aug00
Martins receive president's award, 5 Jan/Feb96
MBW highlights, 13 Sep/Oct96
MBW highlights, various locations, 15 Jul/Aug00
MBW highlights, various locations, 19 Jul/Aug99
MBW highlights, various locations, 7 Jul/Aug97
MBW highlights, western MN, 21 Nov/Dec99
MBW ND highlights, 16 Sep/Oct98
MBW trip highlights, 5 May/Jun96
MBW trip report, 8 Mar/Apr96
MBW trip reports, 10 Jul/Aug95
MBW trip reports, 15 Jan/Feb96
MBW: Wilken, Ottertail trip report, 12 Jul/Aug96
Mealworms, 7 Jan/Feb01
Mexico highlights, 16 Mar/Apr99
Migration dwindling?, 8 Jul/Aug94
Mille Lacs NWR, 13 Jan/Feb99
Minn. birding sites. favorites, 12 May/Jun95
Minn. guide, 15 sites, 16 May/Jun01
Minn. hotline overview, 7 Nov/Dec95
Minn.: 12 birding spots, 9 Jul/Aug95
MnBirdNet has 80 subscribers, 12 May/Jun95
MOU Grants fund research, 7 May/Jun01
MOU invests reserve funds, 3 May/Jun94
MOU library status, 7 Nov/Dec01
MOUnet online, 10 May/Jun94National Geo Guide index, 23 May/Jun01
New MOU logo, 1 May/Jun93
Newfoundland trip highlights, 15 Nov/Dec97
Nicoletti receives Roberts award, 3 Jan/Feb96
Nocturnal migration, 4 Mar/Apr94
North Shore birding, 7 Sep/Oct01
North Shore highlights, 15 Nov/Dec93
North Shore highlights, 2 Mar/Apr93
North Shore trip highlights, 15 Jan/Feb97
Northeast MN winter guide, 15 Nov/Dec99
Northern Goshawks vs. logging, 5 Mar/Apr98
Northfield OTR, 4 Sep/Oct96
Northwest Festival highlights, 8 Jul/Aug01
Northwestern MN guide, 9 Jan/Feb94
Norway winter birds, 20 Mar/Apr98
NWR guide, 12 Sep/Oct93Optics mail-order source, 11 Nov/Dec93
Optics rated on web site, 21 Nov/Dec01
Optics review, 5 Sep/Oct94
Orchard Oriole RT, 9 May/Jun94
Ospreys in the cities, 20 May/Jun98
Owling essay, 19 Jan/Feb99
Owling trip report, 4 Jul/Aug94Pacific Loon on Mille Lacs, 8 Jan/Feb94
Palmer Lake guide, 15 Jan/Feb00
Peregrine encounter, 7 Sep/Oct97
Peregrine reintroduction a success, 13 Nov/Dec93
Peregrine report, 8 Jan/Feb98
Peregrine status, 6 Jul/Aug00
Peregrines at Thunder Bay, 8 Mar/Apr99
Peregrines in MN guide, 12 Nov/Dec95
Peregrines: 42 midwest nest sites, 2 Sep/Oct93
Perfect birding day, 7 Jan/Feb94
Pesticides feature, 7-9 Mar/Apr01
Philippine bird collection history, 4 May/Jun94
Pine Siskins killed by Aspergillosus, 12 Jul/Aug95
Pine-to-Prairie guide, pt. 1, 18 Jul/Aug00
Pine-to-Prairie guide, pt. 2, 20 Sep/Oct00
Pine-to-Prairie guide, pt. 3, 16 Nov/Dec00
Pine-to-Prairie guide, pt. 4, 16 Jan/Feb01
Polk Co. highlights, 17 Jul/Aug99
Prairie Chickens on Easter, 12 Mar/Apr96
Prairie Falcon RT, 9 Nov/Dec94
President's report, 5 Jan/Feb00
Private land, asking permission, 19 May/Jun96
Process of choosing state bird, 6 Jan/Feb94
Purple Loosestrife invading, 16 Mar/Apr97
Pygmy Nuthatch debacle, 8,9 Jan/Feb97Raptor nest-searching, 22 May/Jun99
Rare bird public relations, 10 Nov/Dec94
Record keeping, 14 Nov/Dec94
Red Crossbill taxonomy, 6 Nov/Dec00
Red-necked Grebes color-banded, 16 Nov/Dec93
Rehabbed American White Pelican, 9 May/Jun98
Rehabbed crow essay, 21 Mar/Apr01
Rehabbed Great Horned Owl essay, 12 Sep/Oct01
Rehabbed hummer, 6 Jan/Feb99
Rehabilitation clinic profile, 14 May/Jun96
Rice Co. sites, 11 Jul/Aug97
Rice Creek West Regional Trail, 7 Nov/Dec98
Rice Lake NWR, 9 Jan/Feb01
Rice Lake State Park OTR, 17 Jan/Feb97
Roadkill essay, 18 Sep/Oct96
Roberts Sanctuary rededication, 4 Jan/Feb94
Rock Co. highlights, 19 Sep/Oct99
Rock, Traverse Co. trip report, 17 Nov/Dec96
Roger Tory Peterson remembered, 19 Sep/Oct96
Ross' Goose RT, 9 Mar/Apr94
Rothsay trip highlights, 10 Jan/Feb93
Rothsay trip report, 8 Jan/Feb95
Ruby-throated Hummingbird rehabbed, 6 Jan/Feb99Salt Lake highlights, 7 Jul/Aug97
Salt Lake highlights, 8 Jul/Aug99
Salt Lake trip report, 10 Jul/Aug95
Salt Lake Trip Report, 11 Jul/Aug96
Salt Lake's history, 3 Mar/Apr93
Sand Lake, SD OTR, 6 Mar/Apr96
Savaloja grants awarded, 5 May/Jun99
Savaloja remembered, 14 May/Jun99
Sax-Zim trip report, 16 Mar/Apr96
Schumacher receives Roberts, Jan/Feb99
Seasonal checklist, creating your own ,12 Sep/Oct96
Seasonal Reports submission guidelines, 14 Mar/Apr01
Sewage ponds essay, 11 May/Jun00
Sewage ponds of MN guide, 10 May/Jun00
Shade coffee feature, 7-13 Nov/Dec99
Shade coffee, 13 Sep/Oct97
Shade coffee, 23 Jul/Aug99
Sharp-tailed Grouse and weather, 22 Mar/Apr00
Shorebird conservation feature, 11-13 May/Jun01
Shorebird conservation, 18 Jan/Feb01
Shrikes in Sherburne Co. and Texas essay, 13 Jan/Feb97
Sibley Guide corrections, 20 Jul/Aug01
Sibley Guide index, 21 Jul/Aug01
Skinning at the Bell, 10 Nov/Dec93
Skutch interview, 13 May/Jun95
Smith's Longspur guide, 23 Sep/Oct00
Smith's Longspur RT, 9 Sep/Oct93
Snetsinger dies, 11 Jan/Feb00
Snowy Owl attacks merganser, 11 Mar/Apr94
Snowy Owl essay, 22 Jan/Feb00
Software on birdsong, 13 Nov/Dec96
Southeast MN guide, 18 Mar/Apr01
Species in different aged forests, 6 Jul/Aug95
Spotted Sandpipers, 5 Jan/Feb93
Spotting scope care, 22 Nov/Dec98
Spotting scope window mounts, 24 Mar/Apr99
Spring on the prairie highlights, 17 Sep/Oct96
Spring Weekend highlights, 22 Sep/Oct00
Springbrook Boreal Owl seen by 7500, 13 Jul/Aug97
Spruce Grouse guide, 7 Jan/Feb00
Spruce Grouse RT, 9 Mar/Apr93
St. Louis Co. Big Day sets records, 16 Jul/Aug96
St. Louis Co. highlights, 17 Jul/Aug99
St. Louis Co. highlights, 6 Jul/Aug97
St. Louis Co. highlights, 16 Jul/Aug01
Starwatching, 7 Jul/Aug94
Strangis publishes MN bird finding guide, 14 Jan/Feb96
Study skins donated to museum, 6 Sep/Oct96
Susie Island OTR, 14 Jul/Aug97
Svingen receives Roberts, 5 Jan/Feb01
Swan identification, 18 May/Jun01
Swanson receives Roberts award, 3 Jan/Feb94
Swede Hollow OTR, 14 Sep/Oct97Tamarac NWR OTR, 17 Mar/Apr97
Tanzania highlights, 19 Jul/Aug99
Teaming With Wildlife legislation, 10 May/Jun96
Teaming with Wildlife, 3 Nov/Dec95
Texas highlights, 19 May/Jun99
Texas highlights, 5 May/Jun93
Texas trip report, 11 May/Jun94
Texas trip report, 12 May/Jun97
Texas trip report, 15 May/Jun95
Thunder Bay highlights, 19 Jul/Aug98
Thunder Bay highlights, 7 Sep/Oct97
Thunder Bay highlights, 8 Jan/Feb99
Thunder Bay highlights, 23 Mar/Apr00
Thunder Bay Peregrines, 8 Mar/Apr99
Thunder Bay trip highlights, 21 Mar/Apr98
Thunder Bay trip highlights, 9 Jan/Feb98
Thunder Bay trip report, 19 Jan/Feb97
Top world lister is from MN, 6 Nov/Dec94
Tornado kills birds, 12 May/Jun98
Tourism from birding in MN, 11 Nov/Dec01
Tree stand birding, 14 Jan/Feb98
Trespass laws toughened, 19 May/Jun96
Trumpeter Swan status, 15 Sep/Oct97
Trumpeter Swans essay, 17 May/Jun00
Tugboat birding, 9 Jan/Feb93
Tundra Swan shot, 13 Jan/Feb98
Two Harbors airport guide, 15 Jan/Feb00Veterans Memorial Park guide, 13 Nov/Dec99
Wabasha Eagles, 7 Jan/Feb99
Wadley profile, 11 Jul/Aug94
Warbler-finding guide, 5 May/Jun00
Web page for MOU launched, 10 Nov/Dec95
Weeds in birdseed, 5 Mar/Apr93
West Nile Virus, 15 Mar/Apr01
Whooper Swan essay, 22 Jan/Feb00
Whooping Crane story, 15 Nov/Dec95
Wild Bird Conservation Program, 2 Sep/Oct95
Wild Bird Conservation Program ed, 2 Sep/Oct95
Wild Bird Food Cons. Prog. is working, 14 Mar/Apr96
Wild rice as birding habitat, 7 Sep/Oct93
Wild Turkey status, 19 Jul/Aug01
Williams receives Voelker award, 3 Jan/Feb96
Window mounts for spotting scope, 24 Mar/Apr99
Windstorm effects on birds, 13 Jul/Aug99
Winona Co. highlights, 13 Nov/Dec93
Winter hummingbirds in MN, 3 Mar/Apr95
Wirth Park guide, 16 May/Jun99
WSO supports projects in MN, 11 Nov/Dec93Yard list reports pt. 1, 10 May/Jun93
Yard list reports pt. 2, 6 Jul/Aug93
Yard list reports pt. 3, 10 Sep/Oct93
Yard list reports pt. 4, 10 Nov/Dec93
Yellow Rail highlights, 16 Nov/Dec93
Yellow Rail highlights, 17 Sep/Oct98Zink accepts Breckenridge chair, 7 Mar/Apr93
Zink suggests thrasher species split, 5 Nov/Dec95
Zink, Klicka challenge bird evolution paradigm, 7 Nov/Dec97