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-RBA *Minnesota *Detroit Lakes *May 9, 2013 *MNDL1305.09-Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota, Detroit Lakes
Date: May 9, 2013
Sponsor: Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce
Reports: 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours)
Compiler: Jeanie Joppru (ajjoppru@q.com)
This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, May 9, 2013 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also hear this report by calling (218)847-5743 or 1-800-433-1888.
We have been enjoying spring this week in the northwest, and even as far north as Pennington County the sun has caused the lawns to green up and buds are popping on the trees. There goes the hope that warblers might be easier to see this year! We are still at least a week away from the peak of warbler migration in the north.
The ibis story continues. Ron Erpelding found 22 of them in Wilkin County on May 5 at Meadows WPA about 13 miles north of Breckenridge on the south side of CR 26 0.3 mile west of MN 9. Most if not all were WHITE-FACED IBIS. On that day 7 were re-located in Polk County at the Parnell impoundment , but not seen the next day. Another in Polk County was seen on May 3 by Emily Hutchins about a mile east of Fisher. On May 4, Pam Joppru reported 2 WHITE-FACED IBIS along 180th St NE at the northwest corner of Thief River Falls in Pennington County. These were spotted as recently as Monday, but not seen since as far as I know. Eight WHITE-FACED IBIS were seen this week in Kittson County- 3 at St. Vincent between the town and the Red River bridge, 3 on the east side of CR 56 near Lancaster, and 2 more at the Kinney farm about 8 miles east of Lancaster on CR 4.
An AMERICAN WOOD COCK was seen by Ron Erpelding in Wadena County on May 5.
Judith Clayton observed a YELLOW WARBLER in Alexandria, Douglas County on May 9.
In Wilkin County, Ron Erpelding found a HERMIT THRUSH on May 5.
Dan and Sandy Thimgan in Ottertail County on May 4 found RED-NECKED GREBE, BROWN THRASHER on May 6, and ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK and BALTIMORE ORIOLE on May 7.
From Hubbard County, Marshall Howe reported ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK and PINE SISKIN on May 5; and RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD on May 7 at Park Rapids. On Fish Hook Lake, there were 7 HORNED GREBES and 100 BONAPARTE'S GULLS. On May 9, he saw WOOD THRUSH, VEERY, GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH, and a BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER.
46 GREATER PRAIRIE-CHICKENS were counted by Paul Budde at Hamden Slough NWR in Becker County on May 3. At Dunton Locks County Park, Ron Erpelding found COMMON MERGANSER, RED-BREASTED MERGANSER, ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER and LINCOLN'S SPARROW on May 5.
Ron's Clay County sightings included HERRING GULL, MERLIN, and AMERICAN PIPIT. Tim Lamey reported BROAD-WINGED HAWK, MARBLED GODWIT, CLIFF SWALLOW, GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH, and LARK SPARROW at Bluestem prairie on May 5. Sixteen AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS were found there on May 8. Also seen were PALM WARBLER, and BOBOLINK.
In Polk County Emily Hutchins found a SAY'S PHOEBE at the Glacial Ridge office along MN 32 three miles south of US 2 on April 30. This bird was seen there as recently as May 8. Paul Budde found two WILLETS in Polk County on May 4 - one was along CR 41 just east of US 2, and the other along CR 41 2.8 miles east of MN 32. LARK SPARROWS are back at Agassiz Dunes SNA. A EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE was seen at Euclid on May 4. Bill Blackburn relocated a SNOWY EGRET on May 5 in a field east of 240th Ave NW and 210 St. NW feeding with GREAT EGRETS. A LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE was seen near the intersection of CR 68 and CR 23 on May 4. Sandy Aubol is still reporting a few COMMON REDPOLLS and BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS in East Grand Forks this week, along with many different species of sparrows.
Ron Erpelding found a GRAY JAY at Huot in Red Lake County on May 4 at 17100 200 St. Other species seen in the Huot area included WILLET, OSPREY, and WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW.
Ron found HERRING GULL and COMMON LOON in Thief River Falls in Pennington County on May 5.
Bill Blackburn reported BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS in Warren in Marshall County on May 3. An AMERICAN AVOCET and LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER was found by Paul Budde at the Warren WTP on May 4. SEDGE WRENS are back at Agassiz NWR. Cliff Steinhauer who lives near Agassiz NWR saw 15 SHARP-TAILED GROUSE on a lek.
Larry Wilebski saw a NORTHERN HAWK OWL about 7 miles east of US 59 on CR 4 in Kittson County on May 4. A LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE was seen three miles west of his cabin, and a BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was a half miles west of the water tower. On May 5, he saw COMMON MERGANSERS in the county. Paul Budde found 55 WILSON'S PHALAROPES at the Karlstad WTP On May 8.
Gretchen Mehmel at Norris Camp in Lake of the Woods County reported on May 9 that WHITE-CROWNED SPARROWS have arrived there.
Thanks to all who sent in sightings this week.
Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at ajjoppru@mncable.net
Jeanie Joppru
Pennington County, MN
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