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-RBA *Minnesota *Detroit Lakes *October 22, 2015 *MNDL1510.22-Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota, Detroit Lakes
Date: October 22, 2015
Sponsor: Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce
Reports: 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours)
Compiler: Jeanie Joppru (ajjoppru@mncable.net)
This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, October 22, 2015 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also hear this report by calling (218)847-5743 or 1-800-433-1888.
The mix of species has definitely changed this week. New for this fall are the large numbers of pine siskins that are being reported at feeders. The first common redpolls, and some snowy owls were seen in the last few days. Weather has been very pleasant in the northwest this week, but we are expecting a bump in the road tomorrow with widespread much needed rain expected.
In Elbow Lake, Grant County, Charlene Nelson reported a lone YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER on October 17. On the 16th, she reported 8 PURPLE FINCHES, three FOX SPARROWS, HARRIS'S SPARROWS, WHITE-THROATED SPARROW, and many PINE SISKINS.
The Minnesota Birding Weekend group lead by Kim Eckert found many interesting species in Wilkin County including 3 SMITH'S LONGSPURS in a group of LAPLAND LONGSPURS on 230 St west of MN 9. Other species seen by the group in that county included LE CONTE’S SPARROW at the northwest corner of the impoundment along 290th Ave south of CR 26, a SHORT-EARED OWL along CR 26 west of Rothsay, and 2000 BREWER’S BLACKBIRDS on the Otter Tail County line south of Rothsay.
In Otter Tail County, the group found a SEMIPALMATED PLOVER and an AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER on the west side of CR 88 at 320th St. Dustin Doll saw a SNOWY OWL a couple of miles west of Richville on CR 44 on October 18. A BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE was found by Alma Ronningen in a group of BALD EAGLES and AMERICAN CROWS feeding on roadkill on October 18. Alice Martin observed a EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE, PILEATED WOODPECKER, RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER, NORTHERN CARDINAL , and PINE SISKINS among other species this weekend in Otter Tail County. TRUMPETER SWANS, COMMON LOONS, FRANKLIN'S GULLS, BONAPARTE’S GULLS, CEDAR WAXWINGS, and FOX SPARROW were among the species Shelley Steva and I encountered in Otter Tail County this weekend , mostly in Maplewood SP.
Marshall Howe reported 2 SNOW BUNTINGS in Hubbard County at the intersection of CR 3 and CR 95 W. GRAY JAY and PINE SISKINS were seen at the Lake Alice Bog on October 18. On October 19, he saw GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET, and on the 20th, a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET and SHARP-SHINNED HAWK.
Shelley Steva and I found a few shorebirds at Hamden Slough on October 17 including KILLDEER, LEAST SANDPIPER, and PECTORAL SANDPIPER. Other species seen in Becker County included BONAPARTE'S GULL, WESTERN MEADOWLARK, and RUSTY BLACKBIRD.
The MBW group found a ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK in Clay County just south of the Norman County line.
COMMON REDPOLLS were observed at Ada in Norman County.
Shelley Steva and I saw about 120 SANDHILL CRANES in Mahnomen County on October 17. Other species seen included WILSON'S SNIPE, FOX SPARROW, WESTERN MEADOWLARK, and RUSTY BLACKBIRD.
Sandy Aubol in East Grand Forks , Polk County reported AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS on October 17. She found TUNDRA SWANS, AMERICAN PIPIT, and RUSTY BLACKBIRDS at the Agassiz Impoundment. On October 18 there were SNOW GEESE and eight BALD EAGLES at the East Grand Forks WTP. On October 19th, at her feeder there were numbers of PINE SISKINS, FOX SPARROWS, HARRIS'S SPARROWS, WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS, and three COMMON REDPOLLS. A BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE was seen in East Grand Forks on October 21. On October 17, Shelley Steva and I found 2000 AMERICAN COOTS on the lake at Erskine.
In Pennington County, Sandy Aubol found SNOW GEESE at the Thief River Falls WTP on October 17. Here at the feeder, large numbers of PINE SISKINS moved in this week.
A WESTERN MEADOWLARK was seen along Marshall CR 2 on October 17.
I have a secondhand report of a SNOWY OWL seen by Gary and Phillis Lund three miles east of Roseau in Roseau County on October 18. Mike Thiele reported a PILEATED WOODPECKER on State Ave in Warroad on October 15. He also mentioned migrating SNOW GEESE, COMMON GRACKLES, and AMERICAN ROBINS in Warroad this week.
Thanks to all who sent in their sightings this week.
Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at ajjoppru@mncable.net OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber's toll free number: 1-800-542-3992. Detroit Lakes area birders please call 847-9202. Please include the county where the sighting took place. The next scheduled update of this report is Thursday, October 29, 2015
Jeanie Joppru Pennington County, MN
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