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-RBA *Minnesota *Detroit Lakes *May 3, 2018 *MNDL1805.03-Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota, Detroit Lakes
Date: May 3, 2018
Sponsor: Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce
Reports: 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours)
Compiler: Jeanie Joppru (ajjoppru@mncable.net)
This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, May 3, 2018 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also see this report on the Chamber of Commerce website: https://www.visitdetroitlakes.com/birding-report
Migrants are streaming in very quickly this week now that the weather has turned more spring like. DARK-EYED JUNCOS are greatly reduced in numbers as are ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS. In their place we are seeing all the common sparrows. One day there was no sparrow song, the next we could identify five or six species within a few minutes. WESTERN MEADOWLARKS have arrived in most of the counties of the northwest .Waterfowl migration is proceeding rapidly now that the water is open. A few early warblers are being seen, but most of the warblers are still to come.
At the North Ottawa impoundment, Wayne Perala reported LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER , AMERICAN AVOCET, LEAST SANDPIPER, and WILSON'S PHALAROPE on May 3. Other species reported that day included WESTERN GREBE, EARED GREBE, FORSTER’S TERN and NASHVILLE WARBLER. A YELLOW WARBLER was seen the previous day, May 2.
An ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER was spotted on May 2 at Lake Carlos SP in Douglas County.
Various folks reported that the GREAT EGRETS, BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS, and DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS have arrived at the rookery in Fergus Falls in Otter Tail County.
Marshall Howe in Hubbard County reported EASTERN PHOEBE on April 26, and COMMON GOLDENEYE in Park Rapids on April 28. On April 29 he saw WHITE-THROATED SPARROW , and PINE SISKIN; BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER came on April 30, PALM WARBLER on May 1, and SWAMP SPARROW, LINCOLN'S SPARROW, and EASTERN BLUEBIRD on May 2. Also in Hubbard County, Becca Engdahl found a CASPIAN TERN on Old Logging Road at North Twin Lake on April 29.
Cleone Stewart reported a flock of AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS near Frazee on April 27. She also mentioned that the OSPREY have returned to the nesting site along MN 10. Dave and Betty Hochhalter found TURKEY VULTURE, WOOD DUCK, GREAT EGRET , COMMON LOON, and NORTHERN CARDINAL in Becker County this week.
A SEDGE WREN was observed at the Hjemkomst Center in Moorhead in Clay County on April 30, and a SWAINSON'S THRUSH was seen at Gooseberry Park. SWAINSON’S HAWK was reported at Bluestem Prairie on May 2.
I saw a MARBLED GODWIT in Crookston, Polk County, today- May 3. Sandy Aubol reported a SWAINSON'S THRUSH at the Red Lake River Greenway on May 1. An OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER was seen by Sandy Aubol and Judy Johnson at Tympanuchus WMA on April 28.
Allyson Engelstad saw a SHORT-EARED OWL south of Thief River Falls in Pennington County on April 26. A RUFFED GROUSE was reported by Josh Tharaldson on May 1. A flock of TUNDRA SWANS flew over the Red Lake River on April 27. YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER arrived on May 2. That day six species of sparrow showed up in the yard- SONG SPARROW, LINCOLN'S SPARROW, WHITE-THROATED SPARROW, CHIPPING SPARROW, VESPER SPARROW, and SAVANNAH SPARROW. CLAY-COLORED SPARROW arrived on May 3. Two COMMON LOONS floated past the house on May 2.
Beth Siverhus found a RUSTY BLACKBIRD at Agassiz NWR in Marshall County on April 28.
Doug Johnson reported a EURASIAN WIGEON at Kolkin's Pond in Beltrami County on April 27.
In Roseau County, Beth Siverhus a wide variety on species this week including a few shorebirds such as LESSER YELLOWLEGS, SPOTTED SANDPIPER, and KILLDEER. COMMON LOON, YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW, HARRIS'S SPARROW, and TENNESSEE WARBLER were other species she found in Roseau County this week.
Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at ajjoppru@mncable.net OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber's numbers 218-847-5743 or 218- 847-9202. Please include the county where the sighting took place. The next scheduled update of this report is Thursday, May 10, 2018.
Jeanie Joppru Pennington County, MN
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