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-RBA *Minnesota *Detroit Lakes *April 7, 2005 *MNDL0504.07 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota, Detroit Lakes
Date: April 7, 2005
Sponsor: Lakes Area Birding Club, Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce
Reports: 1-800-542-3992 (weekdays during business hours)
Compiler: Jeanie Joppru (ajjoppru@wiktel.com)
This is the Northwest Minnesota Birding Report for Friday, April 8, 2005 sponsored by the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce. You may also hear this report by calling (218) 847-5743 or 1-800-433-1888.
Migrants are flooding north this week with reports of many species of waterfowl, the first shorebirds, and a few swallows. River ice is gone through most of the area, and small patches of water are appearing on local lakes. Temperatures have been mild this week making it pleasant to be outside.
Nathaniel Emery reported a possible MCCOWN'S LONGSPUR among a flock of LAPLAND LONGSPURS in northern Norman County. If accepted, this would be a first county record, and one of only a few records in the state. The bird was spotted 2 miles east of MN 32 along CR 5 between Fertile and Gary on April 7th.
Reports from Jenny Moorman in Lake of the Woods County where the ice is still present on the big lake include some new arrivals Ssuch as RED-TAILED HAWK, MOURNING DOVE, KILLDEER, SANDHILL CRANE, SONG SPARROW, and PURPLE FINCH. On April 2, many raptors were migrating through the county including several NORTHERN HARRIERS, ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS, and AMERICAN KESTRELS. One GREAT GRAY OWL was found along CR 1 , 0.2 miles south of CR 84 on April 2.
Roseau County was the ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK capital of the area on April 2, where Peder Svingen and I counted 66 of them in a small portion of the county. We had wonderful views of a GOLDEN EAGLE , and another raptor that was present in considerable numbers was NORTHERN HARRIER where the count was 23.
In Kittson County, the story was similar with 22 ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS and 28 NORTHERN HARRIERS being sighted on April 2.
Shelley Steva saw a MERLIN flying over Thief River Falls, Pennington County, on April 2. This week in our yard, I awoke on April 5 to see dozens of FOX SPARROWS busily scratching in the leaves. We also have numerous DARK-EYED JUNCOS, and PURPLE FINCHES. A BALD EAGLE flew in front of the van as I left our driveway to go to work this morning, and tonight there are two COMMON MERGANSERS among the WOOD DUCKS in the river behind our house.
In Crookston in Polk County Mike Christopherson reported a battle going on between two MERLINS and two AMERICAN CROWS for possession of a nest that was built by the crows in his back yard . No winner has been announced as yet. He also reported the season's first GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET. Nathaniel Emery reported a LEAST FLYCATCHER, BROWN CREEPER, and FOX SPARROW, while Bruce Flaig had EASTERN BLUEBIRD, TREE SWALLOW, EASTERN PHOEBE, and SONG SPARROW in the southern part of the county this week. Other species seen in the county included TRUMPETER SWAN, TUNDRA SWAN, and a wide variety of ducks. I discovered a CACKLING GOOSE in a flooded farm field northeast of Crookston on April 3.
Shelley Steva reported a MERLIN in Bejou, Mahnomen County, on March 31.
Patrick Beauzay found a RED-SHOULDERED HAWK along MN 34 between Park Rapids and Detroit Lakes in Becker County on April 3. Jim and Joyce Holter saw six AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS on Floyd Lake on April 5, while Sally Hausken reported two TRUMPETER SWANS that day, and on the 6th, a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET. Shar Legenhausen reported several species of ducks, AMERICAN KESTREL, SANDHILL CRANES, MOURNING DOVE, NORTHERN FLICKER, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, and PURPLE FINCH.
Benjamin Fritchman was birding in Clay County on April 2, and reported 407 TUNDRA SWANS along CR 11 north of Sabin, and 100 LESSER SCAUP, 10 GREATER SCAUP, CANVASBACK, and BUFFLEHEAD at the Moorhead wastewater treatment ponds. On the 6th, he added COOPER'S HAWK, NORTHERN FLICKER, EASTERN PHOEBE, BROWN CREEPER, GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET, and YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER. Patrick Beauzay reported a RED-TAILED HAWK at Bicentennial Prairie near Felton on March 31st, and also 50 SANDHILL CRANES and twelve BAIRD'S SANDPIPERS in Clay County.
Joel Claus reported on April 2nd that large numbers of geese and swans were concentrated along Rabbit Creek on the south side of 120th St. about 1/4 mile east of CR 7 in southwestern Otter Tail County. He estimated that there were up to 1000 TUNDRA SWANS, and 5-10 thousand GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE there with a few CANADA GEESE mixed in. A few SNOW GEESE also flew by. He found 18 species of waterfowl in Otter Tail County. There were also large flocks of LAPLAND LONGSPURS in the county. Alma Ronningen reported OSPREY, EASTERN PHOEBE, TREE SWALLOW, BROWN CREEPER , and RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET this week. Sally Hausken found two TRUMPETER SWANS in Otter Tail County on April 2nd. SANDHILL CRANES, and EASTERN BLUEBIRD were reported by Pam Linder in the last days of March.
John Ellis spotted a PRAIRIE FALCON along the southern edge of Western Prairie SNA in Wilkin County on April 3rd . Two SHORT-EARED OWLS were also seen. Dan and Sandy Thimgan also saw a PRAIRIE FALCON in Wilkin County four miles west on CR 26 and one mile south on CR 169 from Rothsay on the 5th. This may have been the same bird.
In Todd County, Beau Shroyer reported two RED-NECKED GREBES on Little Sauk Lake on April 5th.
Susan Wiste reported a GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET in Douglas County on April 4th.
>From Beltrami County, Pat Rice reported a MERLIN in Bemidji on April 2. On the 4th, she saw a NORTHERN FLICKER in Beltrami County. Pat counted 50 RED-TAILED HAWKS in Polk and Beltrami Counties on March 31 and April 1st.
Thanks to Jenny Moorman, Beau Shroyer, Patrick Beauzay, Mike Christopherson, Dan and Sandy Thimgan, Joel Claus, Benjamin Fritchman, Shelley Steva, Alma Ronningen, Rod Anton, Sally Hausken, Bruce Flaig, Jim and Joyce Holter, Susan Wiste, Shar Legenhausen, Nathaniel Emery, Pat Rice, Pam Linder, and John Ellis for their reports.
Please report bird sightings to Jeanie Joppru by email, no later than Thursday each week, at ajjoppru@wiktel.com OR call the Detroit Lakes Chamber's toll free number: 1-800-542-3992. Detroit Lakes area birders please call 847-9202. Please include the county where the sighting took place. When reporting by email please put "NW Bird Report" in the subject line of your message. The next scheduled update of this report is Friday, April 15, 2005.
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