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-RBA *Minnesota *Minnesota Statewide *May 18, 2005 *MNST0505.18 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: May 18, 2005
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://biosci.umn.edu/~mou/
Reports: (763) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel
Transcriber: Anthony Hertzel (ahertzel@sihope.com)
This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Tuesday, May 17th.
In Clay County, the ROCK WREN is still present on rock pile nuber 6002, and nearby Connie Brunell found two SAY'S PHOEBES there on the 15th. Directions from the town of Felton are to go south on state highway 9 for two miles. Turn east on county road 108 and drive to the T intersection. Follow the gravel road left and north to the gravel pit area. Rock piles 6002 and 6006 are just to the left past gate. Also at the Felton Prairie, a LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH was still in the wooded area just northeast of the eastern terminus of county road 108, and NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD was found by Bob O'Connor on a wooden piling along the road to the Blazing Star Prairie, which is the gravel road going south from the juntion of county roads 34 and 110.
Also on the 15th, John Ellis saw a WHITE-FACED IBIS at the Osakis sewage ponds in Douglas County. It was the pond closest to I-94 as you go from town towards the ponds.
A YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER was found by Ben Fritchman on the 15th north of the town of Little Falls in Morrison County. It was seen at the picnic shelter of a county park along highway 371.
Nels Thompson photographed a LAZULI BUNTING at his feeders in Steele County. Though the bird has not been seen since the 13th, directions from Interstate 35 are to take exit number 32 and go east for three quarters of a mile. Before the road reaches a T intersection, turn left up the driveway at route number 2328.
On May 15th, Randy Frederickson found a PIPING PLOVER in a wetland in
southeastern Kandiyohi County. The wetlands are two and a half miles east of the intersection of state highway 7 and county road 8. At mile marker 118, look for the driveway at fire call 16001. This is public land. Go down the driveway and park in the open area west of the old building site. Walk down the road to the southeast to the wetlands. Another Piping Plover was at Lake Byllesby on the same day,
as was a CATTLE EGRET. John Ellis reported 31 Cattle Egrets on the same day in a cow pasture at the southeastern end of Pelican Lake in Grant County.
A SNOWY EGRET was found on the 15th by Wally Swanson and Glenn Lee at
Rice Lake State Park in Steele County. The bird was foraging among the reeds near the middle of the lake.
Somewhat far north was the COMMON MOORHEN discovered by Herb Dingmann
in a portion of the Rum River State Forest in western Kanabec County.
=46rom the junction of county roads 10 and 56, go west on 56 for about
a mile and a half. Turn left onto Apple Street and drive past the cattail pond on the right to the open water. Look for the Moorhen here.
On the 13th, Kim Eckert found an adult LITTLE GULL at Park Point in Duluth. It was on the Lake Superior side of the Point out from 31st Street associating with a large flock of Bonaparte's Gulls. Earlier
in the afternoon, Mike Hendrickson reported several RED-THROATED LOONS on the lake out from the Recreation Area.
Interesting was the second-summer LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL found on the 12th by Doug Kieser as it roosted with a group of gulls and terns
on the grassy island in the Purgatory Creek wetlands of Eden Prairie,
Hennepin County. Also present were 145 CASPIAN TERNS and a single Cattle Egret.
On the 14th, Al Schirmacher visited Crow-Hassan State Park in Hennepin County and reported a possible YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT calling from a small grove of trees situated after walking about eight minutes down the center foot path.
There have been three additional reports of WESTERN TANAGER since last week. On the 13th, Betty Smith reported one in her yard along Clausen Street in Bemidji, Beltrami County. Another Western Tanager was at Cheryl Creeger's home in Rock County on the same day. And George Eckman's home was visited by a Western Tanager on the 13th in Oronoco, Olmsted County.
Ron Erpelding found a GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE on the 13th in Luxemburg Township of southeastern Stearns County. The location was the northeastern corner of the southwestern quarter of Section 25.
The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, May 26th.
Send your rare and unusual Minnesota sightings to our electronic hotline: MOU-net@biosci.umn.edu. To learn more, send a message (the message being these two words: info mou-net) to majordomo@biosci.umn.edu.