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-RBA *Minnesota *Minnesota Statewide *May 22, 1997 *MNST9705.22 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: May 22, 1997
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (612) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel
Transcriber: Anthony Hertzel (tony@mill2.MillComm.COM)
Re-transcriber: David Cahlander (dac@skypoint.com)
This is the Minnesota birding report for Thursday May 22nd sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union. As always, to skip this recording and leave a message you can press 5 on your touch tone phone. For information on joining our state wide bird organization write the M.O.U. at 10 Church Street SE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN, 55455.
I have a third-hand report of a SWALLOW-TAILED KITE found May 17th near Bemidji in Beltrami County. This bird was apparently reported near Lake Manomin which is about four miles south of U.S. highway 2 and about four miles west of county road 7.
On May 18th Steve Carlson found a PRAIRIE WARBLER at Rice Creek in Fridley in southern Anoka County. The bird was seen about 200 yards down the trail that runs west from 69th street, about two blocks east of state highway 65. A YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER and LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH are also being seen in this area.
The fourth YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER of the spring season was seen briefly by Roger Everhart on May 19th. He found the bird in a restricted access area of Lebanon Hills Regional Park near the RV park on Johnny Cake Ridge Road.
Two WESTERN TANAGERS visited a feeder in Henderson, Sibley County from May 14 through the 19th, but the birds have not been seen since.
Lane Elwanger found a LITTLE GULL in Big Stone County along the Lewisberg Road near Marsh Lake. The bird was seen May 17 in with about 25 BONAPARTE'S GULLS.
On a recent Big Day in Dakota County a very late GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE was seen on the north side of Lake Byllesby. Also at the lake were 18 species of shorebirds including a PIPING PLOVER, WHIMBREL and RUDDY TURNSTONE. Twenty-one species of warbler and two separate flocks of LAPLAND LONGSPURS were also noted. A LAPLAND LONGSPUR was also reported by Marsha Shultz in her backyard in Ramsey County on the 20th.
A PIPING PLOVER was also reported May 18th from Big Stone county road 35 one-half mile south of county road 54.
HUDSONIAN GODWITS were reported May 18th in Olmsted County at a pond the town of Viola. The location is at the junction of Olmsted county road 42 and 2. HUDSONIAN GODWITS plus AMERICAN AVOCET, WILLET, DUNLIN, WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER and several other species of shorebird were at the sugar beet ponds in Renville, Renville County on the 18th.
At the Albany sewage ponds in Stearns County Oscar Johnson reported 12 species of shorebirds on the 18th including WILLET, HUDSONIAN GODWIT, WILSON'S PHALAROPE and RED-NECKED PHALAROPE. Another RED-NECKED PHALAROPE was seen in with a large group of HUDSONIAN GODWITS by Dave Thurston east of the town of Nassau in Lac Qui Parle County on May 19th.
Unusual is the late SNOWY OWL seen along U.S. 169 on May 18th. Harvey Helgemo saw the bird along the road near the town of Long Siding, which is about three miles north of the town of Princeton in Mille Lacs County.
WESTERN KINGBIRDS were in Scott County on the 21st and south of Austin, Mower County on the 20th.
Two NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRDS were found by Cindy Smith on May 12th at the Scharr's Bluff area of Spring Lake Regional Park in Dakota County. The birds were near the model airplane area of the park.
Two BELL'S VIREOS were found near the town of La Crescent in Houston County on May 15th, but I have no specific details.
A BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER is being seen regularly at Westwood Hills Nature Center in St. Louis Park. Look for a group of warblers along the Basswood Trail. The Black-throated Blue reported last week from Wood Lake Nature Center in Minneapolis has not been seen in several days. Warblers are apparently peaking in their northward movement and observers are reporting substantial numbers, mostly in the southern half of the state, and all our regular have now been reported. Twenty-five species of warbler were seen on a May 21st Scott County Big Day, including GOLDEN-WINGED, PINE and CAPE MAY. Doug Shepard reported that on May 18th he found a WORM-EATING WARBLER along the Quarry Trail at Beaver Creek State Park in Houston County. And both CONNECTICUT and MOURNING WARBLERS were reported from Roberts Sanctuary in Minneapolis.
Thanks to Drew Smith, Barb Kull, Craig Menze, Michael Tarachow, Julie Brophy and John Rabine.
The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday May 29th.