[mou] Least SPs in Brown Cty

Hagsela@aol.com Hagsela@aol.com
Sat, 10 Jul 2004 23:36:48 EDT

I observed a group of 16 Least Sandpipers in a flooded part of a field just 
south of Hwy 14 on Brown Cty. 11 (.1 or .2 mile).  The field (on the east side 
of the road) looks like it could be good for several days.  The light was good 
and allowed me to note the brighter reddish brown color on the scapulars. The 
scapular feathers had dark centers and were edged with white, making the 
birds (I believe) juveniles.
I was in the area to see the Common Moorhen family reported by Brian Smith.  
I was able to get a quick look at the 2 youngsters before mom hustled them 
into the reeds.  They are on the north side of Hwy 14 east of Essig - same 
location since they were 1st reported.
Also - one Franklin's Gull at the Sleepy Eye Sewage ponds - adult breeding 

Good birding!  Fall migration - oh my! 

Linda Sparling
Hennepin Cty