[mou] frothing at the window

Thomas Maiello thomas at angelem.com
Mon May 7 13:22:22 EDT 2007

More praise of water features from just north of Fridley America.  In  
one - one stationary view of my water feature today I had 5 different  
species all vying for the coveted low multiple bathing spot at the  
top of my upper pond - two first of yard this year and they were all  
interacting and chasing and pecking and going on and on about who  
gets in next.  The 5 beasties were my FOY (First of Yard) NASHVILLE  
WARBLERs (yes more than one) and the LINCOLN'S SPARROWs (Yes, now  
more than one) all interacting with several TENNESSEE WARBLERs, and  
surprisingly passive House Sparrow and a well behaved GRAY CATBIRD.   
Intermingled around this foray of brazen bathing urgency were WHITE- 
KINGLET, a few Robins who have learned to stay clear of the brawling  
caffeinated birds, numerous blazing goldfinches, a nesting pair of  
cardinals, the foraging Brown Thrasher that annually mates (the other  
must be on the nest based on behavior and the lack of seeing the two  
together anymore), and the now every present and also FOY for my  
yard, the SWAINSON's THRUSH.

The center of all of there attentions is the water feature.  I put  
out a lot of seed in the open, scarred area around the newly  
installed ponds and that has drawn in the various sparrows.  Then  
overflying them in the trees and shrubs are the others, all focusing  
on when they get their chance at the various areas of the ponds and  
falls.  Many are still trying to figure out the various accesses and  
bathing spots and argue when they think they have found one.

Last year I had only single Tennessee Warbler and no other warblers  
at all, no thrushes other than too many robins, no Lincoln's Sparrow  
and lesser numbers of the regular cast of usual suspects.

Me being a happy camper these days! - opps, a Nashville just checked  
out my historic bird bath right outside my window - gotta go bird my  
yard again.  I am covered with goose-bumps and giddy as a school boy  
falling in love for the first time.  I find it hard to stop  
giggling.  And I am 54 years old.  Chuckle, chuckle - I wouldn't  
trade my life for a younger one for nothing.  See Thomas smile.   
Smile.  Smile.  Smile.  See Thomas Bird.  Bird.  Bird.  Bird.

Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park

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