[mou] Beltrami Co. birds this week

Pat DeWenter hoocooks4you at yahoo.com
Fri May 11 19:10:49 EDT 2007

There han't been a large number of migrants going through the area, but here are some of the birds I have seen this week.
   Wood ducks - 4, 2 in a nest box in our yard  
   Goldeneye - 6   
   Bald Eagle - 1 adult and 1 juvenile   
   Broad-winged Hawk - 1   
   Barred Owl - 1 heard only   
   Chimney Swifts   
   Ruby-throated Hummingbird - male, first seen today, 5/10   
   Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1   
   Northern Flicker - 1  
   Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1  
   Least Flycatchers - 2 heard   
   Great-crested Flycatcher - 1 heard  
   Blue Jays - 8 in yard at one time   
   Yellow-throated Vireo - 2 heard   
   Swainson's Thrush - 1   
   Sedge Wrens - 2 heard   
   Ruby -crowned Kinglet   
   Golden-winged Warbler - 2 heard   
   Nashville Warblers - many heard   
   Northern Parula - 1 heard   
   Yellow-rumped Warblers - 3   
   Palm Warblers - 5   
   Black and White Warblers - 5   
   Ovenbird - 1 heard   
   Chipping Sparrows - many   
   Clay-colored Sparrow - 2   
   White-throated Sparrows - many   
   Song Sparrows -3   
   Swamp Sparrow - 1   
   Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 3   
   Baltimore Oriole - 1   
   Purple Finch - 6   
   Pine Siskin - 4
  Pat DeWenter 

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