[mou] that sandpiper

Jim Williams two-jays at att.net
Tue May 22 07:20:50 CDT 2007

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joseph Morlan <jmorlan at ccsf.org>
Date: May 22, 2007 7:17:40 AM CDT


Your bird looks like a Least Sandpiper to me.  The crouched posture with
dirty-yellowish legs bent, no obvious primary projection and finely 
bill-tip are all features of Least Sandpiper. The brown mottling to the
bib, not extending to the flanks is also a chracter of Least Sandpiper.

It is not a Western Sandpiper which has a different scapular and head
pattern, more extensive streaking going to the flanks and a less-finely
tipped bill.  Nor is it a Semipalmated Sandpiper which has a straighter,
more blunt bill and darker legs.


Well, if it was a Western, I certainly didn't want to ignore it.

Jim Williams

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