[mou] Park Pt. Today

Mike Hendrickson smithville4 at charter.net
Thu May 31 15:37:42 CDT 2007

Well finally a decent fall out of migrants swarmed the park! The trees and bushes were full of warblers, vireos and flycatchers.  I saw 18 species of warblers, Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, Alder Flycatchers, Olive-sided Flycatchers and a Eastern Pewee.  Most numerous were Red-eyed Vireos, they were every where! I did see a nice Philadelphia Vireo and saw a Blue-headed Vireo with Laura Erickson's group. I did see some shorebirds on Lake Superior near the bath house. I saw several Sanderlings, Semipalmated Sandpipers and a Semipalmated Plover.  

What was interesting about this fall out at Park Pt. were the numerous Canada Warblers, Blackburnian, Redstarts, Bay-breasted, Wilson Warblers and Blackpoll Warblers seen foraging all along Park Pt.  

Not a bad day in the foggy, misty, cloudy day at Park Pt.

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Lake Superior Boat Trips
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