[mou] Hok-si-lah / Villa Maria / Frontenac, May 9, Goodhue Co.

cjsteiny at comcast.net cjsteiny at comcast.net
Sat May 10 10:23:22 CDT 2008

Our threesome identified 84 species with an hour in Hastings, 6 hours at Hok-si-lah, and 3 hours in Villa Maria/Frontenac area.  13 Wood-Warbler species:  Tennessee, Orange-crowned, Nashville, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Cape May, Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Green, Palm, Black & White, American Redstart, Northern Waterthrush, and Common Yellowthroat. (No one that we talked to had seen the Prothonotary but a Blackburnian and Northern Parula were spotted by others.)  Had great looks at a Blue-headed Vireo. Some highlights for us that may not have been mentioned by other postings for this area included:  Scarlet Tanager, Veery, Swainson's Thrush, Great Crested Flycatcher, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.  The Eastern Towhee and Chipping, Clay-colored, Field, Grasshopper, Song, and White-throated Sparrows were singing their songs. Didn't find a Henslow.  Hok-si-lah had higher water levels than we had ever seen before (a great contrast from the past few Springs) but the 
marsh areas near Villa Maria were almost dry.  Discovered an unusual nest for a Canada Goose along Hwy 61 - mother and goslings high-up, over the water in an old eagle's nest.  With two eagles perched nearby, we assumed that the bird on the nest was also an eagle - until it stretched it's neck.  Then we took a closer look!

Cheri Steinmueller
Little Canada   
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