[mou] Maple Grove additions

Thomas Maiello thomas at angelem.com
Sun May 11 17:15:58 CDT 2008

Even with a slow post rainy day cold, the Eagle Lake area popped up  
three new species - Blue-gray gnat Catchers (7), Blackpoll Warbler and  
a Common Yellow Throat.  This morning early with temps around 39  
degrees, I saw an entire flock of Yellow-rumps acting like White  
Throats and would barely move aside as I walked through them.

Also enthralled by three American Redstarts who were in separate areas  
but all darting about with tails and wings in full display.  Seemed  
odd to watch all three doing the same thing with no other birds about.

Thomas Maiello
Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
Maple Grove, MN

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