[mou] Orioles - too many to count in Edina

sue suekeator at earthlink.net
Wed May 14 07:26:15 CDT 2008

The Baltimore Orioles first showed up here at Melody Lake last Friday.  After hearing the call I dutifully put out the grape jelly and nectar.  Within minutes a pair was dining.  Now five days later things have gotten out of hand.  Last night I thought it was pretty neat that 4 males, incl. one 1st year were taking turns at the jelly feeder, 2 feeding and two on the sheperds hook.  Well, this morning there were eight lined up on the deck railing, two at the sheperds hook and a lot of movement in the crabapple tree!  So I can't give a good total but more than a dozen.  Then a catbird (FOY) showed up to share the jelly.  I now have three nectar feeders and two jelly feeders going in the back, along with oranges and a pile of string to encourage nesting.  Another nectar feeder in front.  I want to stay home and just watch all day!
Sue on Melody Lake, Edina

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