[mou] More from Minnesota Point in Duluth....

SCmzd at aol.com SCmzd at aol.com
Mon May 26 20:09:28 CDT 2008

I wanted to add to what has already been noted about Minnesota Point and  the 
birding fallout caused by the weather. Arrived at the point at 5:00AM  
expecting excellent birding based on the thick foggy conditions, was not  
disappointed.  As noted there were hundreds of warblers.  I parked  about two hundred 
yards from the airport, near 4 large conifers.  Each  conifer was loaded with 
warblers.  Though the light was to poor to take  pictures at that time, I had 
many american redstarts, and magnolia warlbers  foraging in the pines at eye 
level. Many species of warblers observed.   Also found 7 shorebird species on the 
beach on the lakeside, Sanderling,  Semipalmated Sandpipers, Spotted 
Sandpipers, Killdeer, Dunlin, Semipalmated  Plover, and Ruddy Turnstone.  Near the 
breakwater of  the Wisconsin Entry on the Minnesota Side, I observed well over  
twenty empidinox flycatchers (mostly least flycatchers) foraging on the  beach, 
hawking from the many pieces of driftwood.  Most  interesting (to me) were 
the birds I observed on the rocks of the  breakwater.
I assumed that most were birds that had tried to cross the lake in the fog  
and been turned back, as normally these species are not found out on the  
rocks.  The list of birds found out on the rocks includes:  Magnolia,  and Yellow 
warblers, Common Yellowthroats, Chipping Sparrows, Mourning Dove!,  Least 
Flycatchers!, Sedge Wren! and a ruby throated hummingbird. Also  interesting were 
two observed Bobolinks near the airport at Minnesota  Point.  A great morning 
to be birding, while not necessarily a "great"  morning.
Happy Birding, Shawn Zierman.

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