[mou] about the unidentified bird

SCmzd at aol.com SCmzd at aol.com
Mon Sep 8 15:24:00 CDT 2008

I did do some "internet research" and now feel it was more than possible  
that the bird that you encountered in your apple tree was an immature redbellied  
woodpecker.  Again, only you would know for sure, but you might want to go  
to MSN.com and type in "immature redbellied woodpecker photos" then run a 
search  on both that and one for immature yellowbellied woodpecker.  I found the  
photos on some sites to be quite interesting when considering your original  
Happy Birding to you.
Shawn Zierman.

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plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.      
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