Duluth RBA

Duluth RBA phone number: 218-525-5952

Previous reports: September 2 9 16 19 23 30 , October 7 14 21 28 , November 4 .
Other Hotlines: Minnesota Statewide

*Duluth/North Shore
*November 4, 1999

-Birds mentioned

Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Date: November 4, 1999
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 525-5952
Compiler: Kim Eckert (kreckert@cp.duluth.mn.us)
Transcriber: Kim Eckert (kreckert@cp.duluth.mn.us)
Re-transcriber: David Cahlander (dac@skypoint.com)

This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, November 4, sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

Once again on this week's birding report, most of the birds of interest were seen last weekend up the North Shore in Lake and Cook Co's, and these include multiple HARLEQUIN DUCKS, all three SCOTERS, multiple TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRES, HOARY REDPOLL, plus some late-lingering migrants.

Three, or possibly 4, female-plumaged HARLEQUIN DUCKS were seen last Saturday in Cook Co: 2 or 3 birds were at Paradise Beach, 13 miles E of Grand Marais, and the other was at Artists' Point in Grand Marais; unfortunately, none of these could be relocated on Sunday. Also, that Harlequin Duck found Oct 23 on the E side of Mille Lacs L, 1 mi N of the Aitkin-Mille Lacs Co line, was relocated Oct 30 at the same location.

Also in Cook Co last weekend, a lone BLACK SCOTER was present in the Grand Marais harbor; a SURF SCOTER was still in the harbor at Taconite Harbor; and WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS were at Taconite Harbor and at Good Harbor Bay (which is 4 mi W of Grand Marais).

Two TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRES were relocated along the E end of the Croftville Rd, which turns off Hwy 61 about a mile E of Grand Marais; and another Cook Co solitaire was in Tofte near the fire hall. Since last weekend, yet another Townsend's Solitaire was seen in Duluth on Nov 1 by Mike Hendrickson near the entrance to the Park Point Recreation Area.

Last weekend a HOARY REDPOLL was seen in Grand Marais on the E side of the harbor, as literally 100s of redpolls continued to migrate down the North Shore last weekend; so far it looks like this will be one of the biggest redpoll invasions ever in Minn. Another Hoary was banded at Hawk Ridge Oct 29. BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS, BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS, PINE GROSBEAKS, and both RED CROSSBILLS and WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS were also migrating down the North Shore, but GRAY JAYS and NORTHERN SHRIKES were scarce to non-existent -- these last 2 species had been showing up in good numbers earlier in October.

Among the late migrants still lingering last weekend up the North Shore were DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT (4 cormorants also flew over Hawk Ridge Nov 2), PECTORAL SANDPIPER, DUNLIN, RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET, COMMON YELLOWTHROAT and SAVANNAH SPARROW. Also very late was the PHILADELPHIA VIREO banded Oct 30 by Dave Grossheusch at Hawk Ridge in Duluth.

Late as well were the GREATER YELLOWLEGS and Pectoral Sandpiper seen on the 30th by Bill Tefft at the 40th Ave W Erie Pier area in Duluth, but even more interesting were his reports there of 2 SHORT-EARED OWLS and a RING-NECKED PHEASANT. This last species is especially interesting since pheasants had disappeared from the Duluth side of the harbor after the big Halloween blizzard in 1991 -- since then a few persisted in Superior for a year or two, but otherwise there have been no confirmed sightings in the harbor area.

NORTHERN CARDINALS have been appearing in good numbers here recently: these include birds at Knife River in Lake Co, at Eagle L just N of Duluth and at Hawk Ridge all last weekend; on Lenroot St near Morgan Park in Duluth yesterday; and in my yard the last 3 days on the 8200 block of Scenic Hwy 61; another cardinal had also been seen 2 weekends ago on the Croftville Rd in Cook Co.

In addition to that cardinal, there was a RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER at the Hawk Ridge Main Overlook on Oct 31. The raptor flight there has been relatively slow this week, but of interest was the male Richardson's MERLIN seen Nov 1.

And this season's raptor total at the Ridge has now surpassed 120,000, with a total of 16,168 for the month of October. These include:


Unless something unusual is seen in the meantime which needs to be reported immediately, the Duluth Birding Report is normally updated once a week on Thursdays, so that the next scheduled update will be on November 11. The phone number is (218) 525-5952, and callers can leave a message if they wish after the tone at the end of the tape. Also note that a message can be left without having to wait for the birding report to end: after the tape starts playing, push 5 on a touch-tone phone, the tape will then stop, the tone will sound and you can leave your message.

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU), the state bird club, as a service to its members. For more information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church Street S E, Minneapolis MN 55455, or visit the MOU web site at .

Send your rare and unusual Minnesota sightings to our electronic hotline: MOU-net@biosci.umn.edu. To learn more, send a message (the message being these two words: info mou-net) to majordomo@biosci.umn.edu. To learn more about our organization visit our web site: http://biosci.cbs.umn.edu/~mou/

From owner-mou-net@biosci.cbs.umn.edu Fri Nov 12 06:54 CST 1999 Received: (from majordom@localhost) by biosci.cbs.umn.edu (8.9.1/8.9.1) id GAA04432 for mou-net-outgoing; Fri, 12 Nov 1999 06:53:01 -0600 (CST) X-Authentication-Warning: biosci.cbs.umn.edu: majordom set sender to owner-mou-net@biosci.umn.edu using -f Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 06:52:56 -0600 (CST)
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[mou] Dululth RBA 11/11/99

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This is the Duluth, MN birding report for Thursday, November 11th, sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

A flock of 21 SHARP-TAILED GROUSE was seen on Nov. 7 in the Sax-Zim Bog area along County Rd 29, 1 mile N of 133.

In Duluth, Peder Svingen found a SHORT-EARED OWL at the Superior Entry on the 6th, Jeff Newman reported a TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRE on the 7th near the LSPI Paper Mill in West Duluth, and Don Kienholz saw a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER in his yard on Martin Road on the same day; and just east of Duluth, Jan Green saw a HARRIS' SPARROW on the Homestead Road on the 6th, and Kim Eckert had a pair of NORTHERN CARDINALS in his yard on the 7th.

A number of interesting species were seen along the North Shore of Lake Superior last weekend, including a BAY-BREASTED WARBLER near the Lutsen Resort, a CAPE MAY WARBLER and an AMERICAN REDSTART at Two Harbors, MEADOWLARK sp. in Knife River and Beaver Bay, GREATER YELLOWLEGS, PECTORAL SANDPIPER, and COMMON SNIPE at the Beaver Bay sewage ponds.

Good numbers of winter birds were also seen, including NORTHERN SHRIKE, PINE GROSBEAK, COMMON REDPOLL, HOARY REDPOLL (one at Two Harbors), RED CROSSBILL, WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL, and GRAY JAY. The BLACK SCOTER was still present in the Grand Marais harbor on the 8th, two female HARLEQUIN DUCKS were still at Paradise Beach on the 7th, OLDSQUAW were seen both at Five-Mile Rock and in Good Harbor Bay, WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS were seen at several points along the shore, and TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRES were seen in Croftville.

NORTHERN CARDINALS turned up at several locations on the Iron Range over the weekend, including in Midway and Hoyt Lakes.

Chel Anderson saw a GREAT GRAY OWL along the Sawbill Trail on Nov. 9th on the stretch between Honeymoon Road and Heartbreak Ridge Road.

Unless something unusual is seen in the meantime which needs to be reported immediately, the Duluth Birding Report is normally updated once a week on Thursdays, so that the next scheduled update will be on November 18. The phone number is (218) 525-5952, and callers can leave a message if they wish after the tone at the end of the tape. Also note that a message can be left without having to wait for the birding report to end: after the tape starts playing, push 5 on a touch-tone phone, the tape will then stop, the tone will sound and you can leave your message.

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU), the state bird club, as a service to its members. For more information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church Street S E, Minneapolis MN 55455, or visit the MOU web site at .

Compiled and transribed by Dave Benson.

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