[mou] Duluth RBA 4/2/03

David R. Benson drbenson@cpinternet.com
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 13:25:42 -0600

This is the Duluth Birding Report for Wednesday, April 2, 2003, sponsored
by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

A NORTHERN HAWK OWL was seen last weekend on the Gunflint Trail between the
Seagull Guard Station and the second time the Seagull Creek crosses the
Gunflint Trail, about a quarter mile beyond the Guard Station, on the west
side of the road.

44 LONG-TAILED DUCKS were at Stony Point on April 1. LONG-EARED OWLS were
found roosting near the lake at Park Point Recreation Area on the 30th. A
possible FIELD SPARROW was reported from near the bus turnaround on the
31st. There was a RUSTY BLACKBIRD at Dave Krikorian's feeder near Oberg
Mountain in Cook County. An anatum subspecies PEREGRINE FALCON was at
Taconite Harbor on the 2nd.

New migrants reported this week in the Duluth area include COMMON LOON on
April 1, PIED-BILLED GREBE on March 30, FOX SPARROW on the 30th, and SONG
SPARROW on the 30th.

Thanks to Kim Eckert, Jan Green, Mike Hendrickson,Dave Krikorian, Jim Lind,
Sue McDonnell,Gordy Martinson, and Jeff Newman for their contributions to
this report.

The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, April 10.

The phone number for the Duluth Birding Report is (218) 728-5030, and
callers can report bird sightings if they wish after the tone at the end of
each tape.

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members.  For more
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum of Natural
History, 10 Church Street SE, Minneapolis MN 55455; or send an e-mail to
mou@cbs.umn.edu; or visit the MOU web site at mou.mn.org.