[mou] Birdathon help

MARTELL, Mark MMARTELL@audubon.org
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 12:50:45 -0500

On Saturday May 3, Audubon Minnesota and the Waldorf School (located in =
Little Canada) are trying out a new kind of Birdathon. We are going to =
focus the event on working with the kids at the school (K-8) and their =
parents. We will be working with the kids at an age appropriate level, =
on their bird spotting and identification skills.

To do this we need to find some birders who could help lead short (1-2 =
bird trips with the kids.  The trips will take place on or around the=20
school grounds or at nearby natural areas; varying with the grades.  We=20
will be teaming the birders with parents/teachers in each group.  The=20
event will go from 8 - 12 that morning and include a get together back =
the school for wrap-up events and lunch

If you would you have any interest in helping us with this it will be a =
great way to get kids interested in birding and the natural world.=20

Feel free to contact me directly by phone (below) or email =

Mark Martell
Director of Bird Conservation
Audubon Minnesota
2357 Ventura Drive #106
St. Paul, MN 55125
651-731-1330 (FAX)