[mou] Marshbird Monitoring Protocol

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Mon, 07 Apr 2003 11:15:20 -0700

This is being forwarded at the request of Steve Lewis.
Do not reply to me.
There is an attachment to this message. It is not included here. I can send
it to you if you have interest.

Jim Williams
Wayzata, Minnesota

> From: Steve Lewis <Steve_J_Lewis@FWS.GOV>
> Reply-To: Steve_J_Lewis@FWS.GOV
> Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 07:31:16 -0500
> Subject: Marshbird Monitoring Protocol
> Attached is a monitoring protocol for secretive marshbirds that is being
> developed by Dr. Courtney Conway (Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife
> Research Unit) as an outgrowth of the national marshbird monitoring
> workshop held several years ago (see http://www.mp2-pwrc.usgs.gov/marshbird
> ).  He is seeking cooperators who are interested in using this protocol and
> contributing their data so that he can investigate several issues related
> to marshbird monitoring.
> The protocol is designed to test some of the lingering questions related to
> marshbird monitoring, e. g., for which species is call broadcast effective?
> What is the detection probability associated with passive and
> call-broadcast surveys?  How many points are necessary to obtain sufficient
> power to detect population trends?
> If you are interested in helping with this project, please contact Dr.
> Conway at 520-626-8535 or cconway@Ag.Arizona.Edu.  He is able to provide
> you with CDs or tapes containing the calls of marshbirds in your area,
> should you need them.
> Steve Lewis
> U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
> Division of Migratory Birds
> Federal Bldg., 1 Federal Drive
> Fort Snelling, MN  55111-4056
> PH 612-713-5473; FAX 612-713-5393
> EMAIL steve_j_lewis@fws.gov
> (See attached file: NorthAmericanMarshBirdSurveyProtocolsOnly without
> picture2.wpd)