[mou] Lincoln/Lyon County's - 4/12/03

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Sun, 13 Apr 2003 01:02:37 EDT

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While leading a group in Lincoln and Lyon County's today we observed 76 
species for the day.  Waterfowl was still present in large numbers and most 
of what I reported from the 11th was still at the previously reported 
locations, with the exception of the single Ross's Goose at the Hendricks 
Sewage ponds.  Some of the highlights from today were,

@ Great Egret
@ Greater Scaup - Male and Females Perch Lake in Lincoln County
@ Gray Partridge - both counties
@ American Woodcock - Garvin County Park - Lyon County - 8:30 - 9:15pm
@ Bonaparte's Gull - Flock of 20+ Gulls on Ash Lake - Lincoln County
@ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - town of Ivanhoe
@ Tree Swallow - numerous birds observed around dusk 1 mile South of Camden 
State Park along CR 59
@ Yellow-rumped Warbler - A single bird was observed in the town of Hendricks
@ Field Sparrow
@ Lapland Longspurs - observed a flock near Perch Lake
@ Northern Cardinal

Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">4/12/03<BR>
While leading a group in Lincoln and Lyon County's today we observed 76 spec=
ies for the day.&nbsp; Waterfowl was still present in large numbers and most=
 of what I reported from the 11th was still at the previously reported locat=
ions, with the exception of the single Ross's Goose at the Hendricks Sewage=20=
ponds.&nbsp; Some of the highlights from today were,<BR>
@ Great Egret<BR>
@ Greater Scaup - Male and Females Perch Lake in Lincoln County<BR>
@ Gray Partridge - both counties<BR>
@ American Woodcock - Garvin County Park - Lyon County - 8:30 - 9:15pm<BR>
@ Bonaparte's Gull - Flock of 20+ Gulls on Ash Lake - Lincoln County<BR>
@ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - town of Ivanhoe<BR>
@ Tree Swallow - numerous birds observed around dusk 1 mile South of Camden=20=
State Park along CR 59<BR>
@ Yellow-rumped Warbler - A single bird was observed in the town of Hendrick=
@ Field Sparrow<BR>
@ Lapland Longspurs - observed a flock near Perch Lake<BR>
@ Northern Cardinal<BR>
Craig Mandel - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></HTML>
