[mou] Lake Byllesby & 140th St. Marsh (Dakota & Goodhue co.s)

Steve Weston sweston2@attbi.com
Sun, 13 Apr 2003 01:04:35 -0500


Birded both sides of Lake Byllesby on the border of Dakota & Goodhue counties.  Later I stopped at the 140th St. Marsh.

Had 20 species of waterfowl (not counting Pelicans) at Lake Byllesby.  Added two more species at the 140th St. Marsh in
Rosemont.  This included 3 Ruddy Ducks, a Black Duck, and 5 Loons.

Water levels at Byllesby are quite low providing excellent shorebird habitat, whereas the water level at 140th St. Marsh is
high and the shoreline is inundated with very poor habitat for shorebirds.  Three species of shorebirds were at shallows at
the west end of Byllesby, including:
Killdeer  (several)
Pectoral Sandpiper (13)
Wilsons Snipe (2)

Other interesting birds included:
Brown Creeper (4) (Goodhue Co.)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (G...)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Dakota C.)
N. Flicker (several)
Field Sparrow (singing at 140th St.
E. Phoebe (several)

My enjoyment at the west end of Lake Byllesby was rudely attacked by two ATV's tearing up the park.  I told them to get out,
that ATV's were not allowed in the county parks.  It appears that the park is a regular destination for the ATV.  Their path
runs trhough the restored prairie and along the shore, where it can have the most impact on the migrating shorebirds.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan