[mou] Frontenac Birds

Kelly Larson Kelly <larson@redwing.net>
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 13:56:58 -0500

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    Monday morning, perfect weather, and lots of bird activity. Took the
state park ATV out on the south prairie trail. Removed all the old,
rotting Bluebird boxes and metal posts and replaced them with new
Gilbertson PVC units on conduit poles. Saw many Meadow Lark, R.W.
Blackbirds, and Tree Swallows. On the way back we stopped at a distance
to admire each set of new houses. Bluebirds were already sitting on the
new boxes at three sites, Tree Swallows were peering inside at another
two sites! What a thrill to see such an enthusiastic response from these
beautiful birds!
    Bird of the Day: Northern Mockingbird seen in the grove of trees and
dense thicket at the bridge on the south prairie trail.
    Other birds: several  E. Phoebe, 3 pair Wood Duck, many Turkey
Vulture, 4 Northern Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, Gold Finch (they are
very bright now), and  Robins everywhere. Several species of sparrow
singing and foraging but I did not take the time to ID these.
Kelly Larson
Red Wing, MN

Visit Our Website

The Great River Birding Festival Is Coming

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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Monday morning, perfect weather, and lots of bird activity.
Took the state park ATV out on the south prairie trail. Removed all the
old, rotting Bluebird boxes and metal posts and replaced them with new
Gilbertson PVC units on conduit poles. Saw many Meadow Lark, R.W. Blackbirds,
and Tree Swallows. On the way back we stopped at a distance to admire each
set of new houses. Bluebirds were already sitting on the new boxes at three
sites, Tree Swallows were peering inside at another two sites! What a thrill
to see such an enthusiastic response from these beautiful birds!
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bird of the Day: <b>Northern Mockingbird</b> seen
in the grove of trees and dense thicket at the bridge on the south prairie
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Other birds: several&nbsp; E. Phoebe, 3 pair Wood
Duck, many Turkey Vulture, 4 Northern Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, Gold
Finch (they are very bright now), and&nbsp; Robins everywhere. Several
species of sparrow singing and foraging but I did not take the time to
ID these.
<br>Kelly Larson
<br>Red Wing, MN
<br>Visit Our Website
<br><A HREF="http://www.thefeatheredfriend.com">http://www.thefeatheredfriend.com</A>
<p>The Great River Birding Festival Is Coming
<br><A HREF="http://www.mississippi-river.org/birding/">http://www.mississippi-river.org/birding/</A>
