[mou] Salt Lake Weekend

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 17:14:59 -0500

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The annual Salt Lake Weekend Trip is coming up April 26-27th and I have =
some additional information to share to those that are planning to =
attend the event.


There is camping available at Goodman Larson's Prairie Marsh Farm.  For =
more information you can Call Goodman Larson at 952-926-0304 or at the =
farm at 320-668-4209.  There will be also a Potluck dinner at the Larson =
Farm on Friday April 25th. Please bring a dish to share.


The dinner is in Madison, Minnesota at the City Hall Building which is =
on the north end of Main Street. The dinner is at 7:00pm and you need to =
write Florence Haukos at 721 3rd Street West,  Madison, Minnesota 56256  =
There is a elevator for the handicap. Also this is where the bird =
tabulation will be at, after the dinner. The dinner is sponsored by  =
Son's of Norway and please thank them for the hard work they did to =
prepare the meal.


In Marietta, Minnesota there will be a breakfast served at the Legion =
Hall at 6:30am and  lunch will be served at 12:00pm at Legion Hall.  =
Breakfast will be rolls, juice and coffee. Lunch will most likely be a =
hot sandwich, chips, some kind of dessert and a beverage.


I will be not attending the event as I will be busy at my daughter's =
First Communion during that same weekend.  Kim Risen might be there to =
go over the list after the dinner in Madison but if not I am sure =
Goodman Larson or some other birder will be available to step in for me.


If there are any birders planning to go that is willing to organize a =
car caravan please post the MOU-Net and announce it and give time and =
place to meet.  I would also suggest using Kim Eckert's book, A Birder's =
Guide to Minnesota as source to help you get to places to see birds in =
the Lac Qui Parle & Big Stone counties.

Have Fun

Mike Hendrickson

MOU Field Trip Chairman



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<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>The annual Salt Lake Weekend Trip is coming up April =
and I have some additional information to share to those that are =
planning to=20
attend the event.</FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3D3><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman">&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>There is camping available at Goodman Larson=92s Prairie Marsh =
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>For more information you can =
Goodman Larson at 952-926-0304 or at the farm at 320-668-4209.<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>There will be also a Potluck =
dinner at=20
the Larson Farm on Friday April 25<SUP>th</SUP>. Please bring a dish to=20
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3D3><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman">&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>The dinner is in Madison, Minnesota at the City Hall Building =
which is on=20
the north end of Main Street. The dinner is at 7:00pm and you need to =
Florence Haukos at 721 3<SUP>rd</SUP> Street West,<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>Madison, Minnesota 56256<SPAN=20
style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>There is a elevator for the =
Also this is where the bird tabulation will be at, after the dinner. The =
is sponsored by<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>Son=92s =
of Norway and=20
please thank them for the hard work they did to prepare the =
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3D3><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman">&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>In Marietta, Minnesota there will be a breakfast served at the =
Hall at 6:30am and<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>lunch =
will be=20
served at 12:00pm at Legion Hall.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
</SPAN>Breakfast will be rolls, juice and coffee. Lunch will most likely =
be a=20
hot sandwich, chips, some kind of dessert and a beverage.</FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3D3><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman">&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>I will be not attending the event as I will be busy at my =
First Communion during that same weekend.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: =
</SPAN>Kim Risen might be there to go over the list after the dinner in =
but if not I am sure Goodman Larson or some other birder will be =
available to=20
step in for me.</FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3D3><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman">&nbsp;</FONT></FONT><FONT size=3D3><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman">&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>If there are any birders planning to go that is willing to =
organize a car=20
caravan please post the MOU-Net and announce it and give time and place =
meet.<SPAN style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </SPAN>I would also =
suggest using=20
Kim Eckert=92s book, A Birder=92s Guide to Minnesota as source to help =
you get to=20
places to see birds in the Lac Qui Parle &amp; Big Stone =
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>Have Fun</FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>Mike Hendrickson</FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT face=3D"Times =
New Roman"=20
size=3D3>MOU Field Trip Chairman</FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3D3><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New Roman">&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><FONT size=3D3><FONT=20
face=3D"Times New =
