[mou] MOU Rock Co. Summary

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@msn.com
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 23:13:15 -0500

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Sorry about the delay of this summary.

On April 12-13 Kim Risen and I led a group of 22 birders to explore Rock =
County, Pipestone County, parts of Lincoln County and Jackson County.  =
During the two days we saw 90 species.

The day actually began on Friday when Kim Risen, Cindy Butler, Tom Auer, =
Jake Musser and I scouted out Jackson County and found my Minnesota =
"lifer" Great-tail Grackle at Grover's Lake.

Saturday we met the group at Country Kitchen parking lot in Luverne, =
Minnesota at 7:00 am and was on our way to Blue Mounds State Park by =
7:45 am.  The Highlights of the day were seeing a mix flock of =
White-fronted Geese, Snow Geese and Canadian Geese flying over our heads =
at Blue Mounds,  13 species of ducks, several sightings of Gray =
Partridge, and both species of Yellowlegs and some Pectoral Sandpipers =
at the Luverne Sewage Ponds.  The most interesting find was the Great =
Horned Owl nest in Pipestone Co.=20

Saturday night I reserved a room for us at the Magnolia Steak Restaurant =
where we had a few laughs and updates on the Minnesota Golden Gopher =
NCAA final hockey game. ( Thanks Ben)  Kim Risen took a small group to =
look for Screech Owls at the wooded lot east of the sand pit ponds near =
the park.  Kim found two Screech Owls calling for the group!

Sunday we met at the same location in Luverne and headed east to Jackson =
County.  At the intersection of Jackson Co. 86 and Interstate 90 we saw =
two banded Trumpter Swans for the list. At this same location on Friday =
our scouting group found 64 White-fronted Geese with a few Snow Geese =
mixed in.  Highlights for Sunday was finding two Great-tail Grackles at =
Grover's Lake.  The trip ended at the Heron Lake Sewage Ponds at 2:00 =

Overall migration was dull even with stiff south winds and very warm =
temps.  The landbirds were in small numbers and hard to find.  The group =
was a ton of laughs and this group brought the best homemade cookies I =
ever eaten!  We took our time birding and answered a lot of questions =
and most of all had a lot of fun while birding.

I thank the following birders that signed up for the trip.

Kevin Smith, Cindy Butler, Don & Jo Starkweather, Tom & Mary Kroll, Ben =
Fritchman, Sam Lewis, Mark & Janet Timmerman, Alice Laudon, Barb =
Carufel, Jan Staples, Alice Ruminsky, Tom Auer, Jake Musser, Heidi =
Ferguson, John Clem (Aberdeen, S.D.), Jim & Ruth Admundson, Pam Blixt =
and John Christianson.

Leaders: Mike Hendrickson & Kim Risen

Mike Hendrickson
MOU Field Trip Chairman
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<DIV>Sorry about the delay of this summary.</DIV>
<DIV>On April 12-13 Kim Risen and I led a group of 22 birders to explore =
County, Pipestone County, parts of Lincoln County and Jackson =
During the two days we saw 90 species.</DIV>
<DIV>The day actually began on Friday when Kim Risen, Cindy Butler, Tom =
Jake Musser and I scouted out Jackson County and found my Minnesota =
Great-tail Grackle at Grover's Lake.</DIV>
<DIV>Saturday we met the group at Country Kitchen parking lot in =
Minnesota at 7:00 am and was on our way to Blue Mounds State Park by =
am.&nbsp; The Highlights of the day were seeing a mix flock of =
Geese, Snow Geese and Canadian Geese flying over our heads at Blue =
13 species of ducks, several sightings of Gray Partridge, and both =
species of=20
Yellowlegs and some Pectoral Sandpipers at the Luverne Sewage =
Ponds.&nbsp; The=20
most interesting find was the Great Horned Owl nest in Pipestone Co. =
<DIV>Saturday night I reserved a room for us at the Magnolia Steak =
where we had a few laughs and updates on the Minnesota Golden Gopher =
NCAA final=20
hockey game. ( Thanks Ben)&nbsp; Kim Risen took a small group to look =
Screech Owls at the wooded lot east of the sand pit ponds near the=20
park.&nbsp;&nbsp;Kim found two&nbsp;Screech Owls calling&nbsp;for the=20
<DIV>Sunday we met at the same location in Luverne and headed east to =
County.&nbsp; At the intersection of Jackson Co. 86 and Interstate 90 we =
saw two=20
banded Trumpter Swans for the list. At this same location on Friday our =
group found 64 White-fronted Geese with a few Snow Geese mixed in.&nbsp; =

Highlights for Sunday was finding two Great-tail Grackles at Grover's=20
Lake.&nbsp; The trip ended at the Heron Lake Sewage Ponds at 2:00 =
<DIV>Overall migration was dull even with stiff south winds and very =
temps.&nbsp; The landbirds were in small numbers and hard to find.&nbsp; =
group was a ton of laughs and this group brought the best homemade =
cookies I=20
ever eaten!&nbsp; We took our time birding and answered a lot of =
questions and=20
most of all had a lot of fun while birding.</DIV>
<DIV>I thank the following birders that signed up for the trip.</DIV>
<DIV>Kevin Smith, Cindy Butler, Don &amp; Jo Starkweather, Tom &amp; =
Mary Kroll,=20
Ben Fritchman, Sam Lewis, Mark &amp; Janet Timmerman, Alice Laudon, Barb =

Carufel, Jan Staples, Alice Ruminsky, Tom Auer, Jake Musser, Heidi =
John Clem (Aberdeen, S.D.), Jim &amp; Ruth Admundson, Pam Blixt and John =

<DIV>Leaders: Mike Hendrickson &amp; Kim Risen</DIV>
<DIV>Mike Hendrickson</DIV>
<DIV>MOU Field Trip Chairman</DIV></BODY></HTML>
