[mou] American bittern

Jeff Dankert renohawk@hbci.com
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 10:35:36 -0500

Birded Sunday in Winona County and found 82 species, including:

AMERICAN BITTERN - 1 flushed at edge of marsh on Prairie Island Road.

SORAS - 4 in Prairie Island marshes.

VIRGINA RAILS - 2 in Prairie Island marshes. Both rails were detected by
getting vocal responses from taped calls. One visual, a sora that came
within 5 feet.
BANK SWALLOW - 2 in separate locations, found five swallow species,
cliff swallow.

RUDDY DUCKS - 171 at Lewiston Sewage ponds, 2 on Lake Winona. 15 duck
species. No mergansers.

HORNED GREBES - 6 on Lake Winona with a tight raft of pied-billed

GREATER SCAUP - One at Prairie Island, one at Lewiston.

YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRDS - 3 at Rileys Lake in Winona, 2 with open
country farm flock near Lewiston. Also 1 RUSTY BLACKBIRD, no Brewer's.

SHOREBIRDS - G. and L. yellowlegs, pectoral sandpiper.

WARBLERS - Still only dozens of yellow-rumped warblers feeding with RC
kinglet flocks.

Jeff Dankert
908 Parks Ave Apt 158
Winona MN 55987-5330
(507) 454-0033