[mou] pine warblers

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 14:44:48 -0500

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Tho I only had 20 minutes, things were active at Sand Dunnes SP. In the =
campground area, there were quite a number of active, skittish, singing =
pine warblers--their song making a nice comparison with that of the =
chippies in the same area. Also saw two eastern towhees and heard at =
least one loud thumping ruffed grouse. Nearby--an upland sandpiper on a =
dirt road (175th st.?) that borders Sherburne NWR. An enormous bull =
snake was there too, sunning itself on the road.=20

Tim Houghton

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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Tho I only had 20 minutes, things were active at Sand =
Dunnes SP. In the campground area, there were quite a number of active, =
skittish, singing pine warblers--their song making a nice comparison =
with that of the chippies in the same area. Also saw two eastern towhees =
and heard at least one loud thumping ruffed grouse. Nearby--an upland =
sandpiper on a dirt road (175th st.?) that borders Sherburne NWR. An =
enormous bull snake was there too, sunning itself on the road.<BR>
Tim Houghton</FONT>
