[mou] SE MN Sunday

Jeff Dankert renohawk@hbci.com
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:25:00 -0500

Birded Beaver Creek SP in Houston Co. Sunday with Carol Schumacher and
Fred Lesher. We found LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH (4-6) singing and calling
along stream.

At Lewiston Sewage Ponds in Winona Co., Carol and I found 1 PEREGRINE
FALCON and 1 LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER. Many greater and lesser yellowlegs
there but just a few pectorals. Ducks have decreased, but still a half
dozen or so ruddy ducks.

At Prairie Island in Winona, I heard many soras and Virginia rails

No king rails :)

Jeff Dankert
908 Parks Ave Apt 158
Winona MN 55987-5330
(507) 454-0033