[mou] Cinnamon Teal - gone; Avocets - ??

Herb.Dingmann@triminsystems.com Herb.Dingmann@triminsystems.com
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 11:26:28 -0500

I thought I'd update folks on what I know of these two finds.

To my knowledge, no one has been successful in finding the Cinnamon Teal at
Gilman since late Friday afternoon, so presumably it has moved on.  I do
check these sewage ponds fairly regularly, so I will of course re-post if
it shows up again.

Phil Chu called me last night and told me he had seen the Avocets at the
Albany sewage ponds earlier that evening (I don't recall the exact time)
after several "passes".  So they might still be around.  The water levels
are high at the ponds, not good for shorebirds (I didn't see any except the
Avocets when I was there).  Good luck!

Herb Dingmann
St. Cloud