[mou] Rock Wren refound - Acacia Cemetery

JEBonkoski@aol.com JEBonkoski@aol.com
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 14:23:43 EDT

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This morning, 4/29, about 10:30 am I refound the Rock Wren at Acacia 
Cemetery.  The bird was about 100 yards to the right (North) of the entrance 
to the cemetery.  The bird was calling from the pine trees and then flew 
across the road to the east.  I did not search for the bird after it flew 
into the field to the east of the cemetery.

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">This morning, 4/29, about 10:30 am I refound the Rock=20=
Wren at Acacia Cemetery.&nbsp; The bird was about 100 yards to the right (No=
rth) of the entrance to the cemetery.&nbsp; The bird was calling from the pi=
ne trees and then flew across the road to the east.&nbsp; I did not search f=
or the bird after it flew into the field to the east of the cemetery.</FONT>=
