[mou] Birding in N. Wash Co.

Chris Fagyal Chris.Fagyal@udlp.com
Mon, 04 Aug 2003 12:25:24 -0500

I would surmise a few reasons:

1) Only two places in Washington county seem to get birded much, those
being Carlos Avery and Cedar Creek Scientific Area (I think those are
both in Wash. County).  And both of those places don't seem to get much
attention, or rather not much is reported from there.

2) There are a LOT (I emphasize, a LOT) of lurkers on this list server
that never ever post.  I can testify to this in the fact that when I
sent out my "My Ecuador Trip Report is done if anyone wants a copy", a
large number of the responses were from people I see post maybe once
ever few months and several were from people who i've never once seen
post.  So it may very well be there are people birding there but you
never hear from them.

3) There are many very well known birders in this state who don't post
any of their sightings, or very few of them.  I won't name names, but
i'm sure with some thought you can figure them out.  

The same is true of Wright county as well.  The only reports lately
from that county have been from me since I just moved there.  

Chris Fagyal
Senior Software Engineer
United Defense, L.P.
Fridley, MN
(763) 572-5320

>>> Karen Schik <kschik@fmr.org> 07/30/2003 11:38:14 AM >>>
I recently moved to the very north edge of Washington County 
(Scandia) and I wonder if other birders in the area could let me know 
of local hot-spots or favorite sites.  I often see bird listings for 
Dakota and Henn counties, but very seldom for Wash.  What's up with 


Karen Schik
Restoration Ecologist
Friends of the Mississippi River
46 East 4th Street, Suite 606
Saint Paul MN  55101-1112

Phone	651/222-2193
Fax	651/222-6005
