[mou] bluejay fledglings

Scott Clark scott@ci.brooklyn-park.mn.us
Wed, 06 Aug 2003 07:48:56 -0500

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On Sunday we had an untraumitized dead fledgling blue jay in the back
yard. The next day we had, what I assume to be the sibiling that sat in
a rose bush for 18 hours. In the mourning two adults came and find him.
That day he hung around ( so little that he couldn't fly ) and when we
returned from work he was in a vulnerable spot so we placed him,( for
safety sake as suggested by L Erickson ) ) on the lowest branch of a
cherry tree. I checked on him at 10:00 p.m. and he was sleeping. The
next mourning I found him at the base of the tree dead.  Thoughts about
this-- a nest somewhere that was disrupted and they fledged to early,
inattenitive parents, life is hard, this is the way of the Jay. It was a
sad day when we lost our little buddy.

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<BODY style="MARGIN-TOP: 2px; FONT: 8pt Tahoma; MARGIN-LEFT: 2px"><FONT 
size=2>On Sunday we had an untraumitized dead fledgling blue jay in the back 
yard. The next day we had, what I assume to be the sibiling that sat in a rose 
bush for 18 hours. In the mourning two adults came and find him. That day he 
hung around ( so little that he couldn't fly ) and when we returned from work he 
was in a vulnerable spot so we placed him,( for safety sake as suggested by L 
Erickson )&nbsp;)&nbsp;on the lowest branch of a cherry tree. I checked on him 
at 10:00 p.m. and he was sleeping. The next mourning I found him at the base of 
the tree dead.&nbsp; Thoughts about this-- a nest somewhere that was disrupted 
and they fledged to early, inattenitive parents, life is hard, this is the way 
of the Jay. It was a sad day when we lost our little buddy.</FONT></BODY></HTML>
