[mou] Yellow-bellied flycatchers

Chet Meyers chetmeyers@visi.com
Wed, 06 Aug 2003 15:52:56 -0500

Yesterday Bob Dunlap reported alder flycatchers on the move at 
Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott County.  Today I birded the park and saw two, 
and heard at least two additional, yellow-bellied flycatchers.  Two were on 
the trail across the road from the horse-trailer parking and two were on the 
trail that leads in from the first pull-out with a gate, less than a mile up 
the road from the main trail-head parking area.  I've never run into that 
many yellow-bellied flycatchers in one day, but their distinctive call and 
visual confirmation left no doubt.
Chet Meyers
Hennepin County