[mou] Golden eagles

Barb Berquist b.berquist@comcast.net
Fri, 15 Aug 2003 00:31:31 -0500

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I believe we have 3 golden eagles in the lake elmo, mn sunfish lake =
area/  We have had bald eagles for years now, but now I am seeing 3 =
golden eagles on a daily basis.  Any info on these beautiful birds?   =
Thank you. =20

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I believe we have 3 golden eagles in =
the lake elmo,=20
mn sunfish lake area/&nbsp; We have had bald eagles for years now, but =
now I am=20
seeing 3 golden eagles on a daily basis.&nbsp; Any info on these =
birds?&nbsp;&nbsp; Thank you.&nbsp; <BR>Barbara =
