[mou] Mower County Sounds

RVjesse@aol.com RVjesse@aol.com
Fri, 15 Aug 2003 10:58:15 EDT

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Hello:  Today,  August 15th, a Carolina wren was heard singing in our 
neighborhood of southwest Austin.  I heard one off and on last fall and spring but 
not since.  
       Last saturday,  August 9th,  Valerie and I heard a Red-Breasted 
Nuthatch on the golf course just east of the Hormel Nature Center.  This course has 
close to two thousand planted pine trees.  Two years ago in August we could 
hear them all over the course.  Heard one there August 11th also.  I see other 
people are reporting them from southern Minnesota.  Strangest was hearing a 
American Bittern while on the golf course at a point close to the nature center.  
It sounded like it was calling from the creek-floodplain area but can't be 
sure.  This was wednesday, August 6th.  This was the about the last bird I 
thought I would ever hear while golfing there, especially in August.
                         Robert &Valerie Jessen, Austin

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Hello:&nbsp; Today,&nbsp; August 15th, a Carolina wren=
 was heard singing in our neighborhood of southwest Austin.&nbsp; I heard on=
e off and on last fall and spring but not since.&nbsp; <BR>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Last saturday,&nbsp; August 9th,&nbsp;=20=
Valerie and I heard a Red-Breasted Nuthatch on the golf course just east of=20=
the Hormel Nature Center.&nbsp; This course has close to two thousand plante=
d pine trees.&nbsp; Two years ago in August we could hear them all over the=20=
course.&nbsp; Heard one there August 11th also.&nbsp; I see other people are=
 reporting them from southern Minnesota.&nbsp; Strangest was hearing a Ameri=
can Bittern while on the golf course at a point close to the nature center.&=
nbsp; It sounded like it was calling from the creek-floodplain area but can'=
t be sure.&nbsp; This was wednesday, August 6th.&nbsp; This was the about th=
e last bird I thought I would ever hear while golfing there, especially in A=
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   =20=
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   Robert &amp;Valerie Jessen, Austin</F=
