[mou] LBH-Ashby

Wildchough@aol.com Wildchough@aol.com
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 23:29:38 EDT

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Steve Lewis, Tom Will, and myself found 2 of the 3 Little Blue Herons, one 
adult, one "calico" plumage, this afternoon at the same locale as previously 
reported near Ashby on the last wetland on the left as one goes easterly on 
Whisper Lane.  Also present were 2 Purple Martins and 9 Bobolink and a family of 
Hooded Mergansers.  At the Ashby Sewage Ponds there was a nice collection of 
gulls and terns including approximately 100 Black Terns in various stages of 
molt.  These ponds are on the left side of the road into Ashby from I-94 about 3/4 
mile west of town.  Also spotted a huge coot in flight on south side of 
Ashby, biggest one I've ever seen in 50 years of birding.  Bob Russell

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Steve Lewis, Tom Will, and myself found 2 of the 3 Lit=
tle Blue Herons, one adult, one "calico" plumage, this afternoon at the same=
 locale as previously reported near Ashby on the last wetland on the left as=
 one goes easterly on Whisper Lane.&nbsp; Also present were 2 Purple Martins=
 and 9 Bobolink and a family of Hooded Mergansers.&nbsp; At the Ashby Sewage=
 Ponds there was a nice collection of gulls and terns including approximatel=
y 100 Black Terns in various stages of molt.&nbsp; These ponds are on the le=
ft side of the road into Ashby from I-94 about 3/4 mile west of town.&nbsp;=20=
Also spotted a huge coot in flight on south side of Ashby, biggest one I've=20=
ever seen in 50 years of birding.&nbsp; Bob Russell</FONT></HTML>
