[mou] State Fair

SnoEowl@aol.com SnoEowl@aol.com
Mon, 25 Aug 2003 11:30:48 EDT

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  I worked at the MOU booth at the State Fair Sunday--Minnesota's hottest get 
together.  I had a wonderful time.  I was greeted by Bonnie Mulligan and 
Charlie Greenman.  I worked with Jerry Bonkoski and Rich Peet.  These are some 
wonderful folks. I was just happy that they let the likes of me hang around with 
the likes of them. It doesn't get much better than that for a hick from 
  I recommend everyone tries the deep-fried grackle on a stick.  It's 
Thank goodness it's Monday,
Al Batt

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=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">&nbsp; I worked at the MOU booth at the State Fair Sun=
day--Minnesota's hottest get together.&nbsp; I had a wonderful time.&nbsp; I=
 was greeted by Bonnie Mulligan and Charlie Greenman.&nbsp; I worked with Je=
rry Bonkoski and Rich Peet.&nbsp; These are some wonderful folks. I was just=
 happy that they let the likes of me hang around with the likes of them. It=20=
doesn't get much better than that for a hick from Hartland.<BR>
&nbsp; I recommend everyone tries the deep-fried grackle on a stick.&nbsp; I=
t's delicious.<BR>
Thank goodness it's Monday,<BR>
Al Batt</FONT></HTML>
