[mou] Fall 2003 Sightings

Paul Budde Paul.Budde@us.benfieldgroup.com
Wed, 3 Dec 2003 17:04:44 -0600

The  fall season (8/1 - 11/30) has ended.  If you will be sending in a
seasonal report for inclusion in the fall summary to be published in The
Loon, please do so now.  Electronic reports should be e-mailed to me by
December 15th at this address.  (Our deadline is always 15 days after
the end of the season.  Any reports sent in after the 15th will NOT be
included in the electronic compilation.  They can still be sent in on
paper, however.)

The web checklist is still inoperative.

If you would like a copy of the Minnesota listing software, it is
available at http://biosci.cbs.umn.edu/~mou/docs.html.  An update to
conform with the soon-to-be-published revision to the MOU checklist will
be available in January.

Finally, if you would rather submit by paper, please mail your forms
directly to Peder Svingen. Documentation of any unusual birds, including
casuals and accidentals, should be mailed or e-mailed to the MOURC
Chair, Kim Eckert.

Thanks for your observations and the details you provide!=20
Paul Budde=20
Minneapolis, MN=20
paul.budde@us.benfieldgroup.com (work)=20
pbudde@earthlink.net (home - new!)