[mou] Carver Prk Reserve/Zumbra Lake

Roberta.Gitchel@co.hennepin.mn.us Roberta.Gitchel@co.hennepin.mn.us
Mon, 8 Dec 2003 08:02:50 -0600

Sunday 12/7/03 strolled the trails in vicinity of the group campsite near
Zumbra and Schutz lakes in the far eastern portion of Carver Park Reserve.

Noted an osprey nesting pole near a secluded back bay of Schutz Lake....is
this a new Carver location or just a new discovery for me (have long
enjoyed the two poles near the Grimm Farm trails)?  This area should be
great for raptor watching with a scope come spring.

Meanwhile, awaiting the vernal equinox, delighted in the following:

1.  The usual suspects:  jays, cardinals, black cap chickadees, nuthatches,
hairy woodpeckers, crows
2.  Less usual:  northern flicker.  Do flickers normally stick out the
whole winter?  I've seen large flocks of flickers in Carver in spring, but
never in winter before.  Also saw a solitary robin hangin'
out....over-wintering, too???
3.  The best:  adult red-tail hawk circling, soaring, and screaming his
hunting hawk scream (intermittent performance all morning long).  Love that
sound.  I've seen this guy before (or his ilk).  Seems to claim the hills
adjacent to the Zumbra boat landing as his own.  Also saw a very light
(juvenile?) red-tail hunting a bit farther east, closer to Schutz than