[mou] Birds playing football

Michael Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Tue, 9 Dec 2003 00:11:11 -0600

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Last night I was watching Monday Night football and hoping, begging and =
praying that Torry Holt would get a TD for my fantasy football league =
the TV camera guys spotted two birds along the 40 yd line. They were a =
white throated sparrow and a Lincoln's sparrow. The game was played in =
Cleveland, Ohio. John Madden tells Al Michaels while the camera were on =
the birds that some one would most likely call in and tell them what =
they are. I was tempted but decided to not call in. The funny part was =
as the huddle broke and play resumed the runningback ran towards the =
sparrows and they flushed as 600 lbs of players fell in thier directions =
and John Madden announces that birds are now on thier way to Miami. =
Torry Holt never got the needed 13 pts I needed but the sparrow shots =
were neat. Can I count these birds for my Ohio list since it was live =
td? OH NO I just opened a can of worms!


Mike Hendrickson
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Last night I was watching Monday Night =
football and=20
hoping, begging and praying that Torry Holt would get a TD for my =
football league the TV camera guys spotted two birds along the 40 yd =
line. They=20
were a white throated sparrow and a Lincoln's sparrow. The game was =
played in=20
Cleveland, Ohio. John Madden tells Al Michaels while the camera were on =
birds that some one would most likely call in and tell them what they =
are. I was=20
tempted but decided to not call in. The funny part was as the huddle =
broke and=20
play resumed the runningback ran towards the sparrows and they flushed =
as 600=20
lbs of players fell in thier directions and John Madden announces that =
birds are=20
now on thier way to Miami. Torry Holt never got the needed 13 pts I =
needed but=20
the sparrow shots were neat. Can I count these birds for my Ohio list =
since it=20
was live td? OH NO I just opened a can of worms!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Enjoy!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Mike =
