[mou] Faribault (Rice County) CBC results

Dave Bartkey cerulean66@charter.net
Tue, 23 Dec 2003 21:35:17 -0600

Hi everyone!
  Our CBC was on Saturday, December 20th, and while there weren't any rarities like last year, we feel it was still interesting.
Most importantly, we were able to get out and collect that data!

  I won't bore you with numbers of Starlings and House Sparrows, but I will list the highlights:
1 Mute Swan
1 Wood Duck
1 Gadwall
1 Am. Black Duck
18 Bald Eagles
4 Sharp-shinned Hawks
2 Northern Goshawks
5 Rough-legged Hawks
1 Am. Kestrel
7 Gray Partridge
101 Pheasants
98 Wild Turkey
112 Mourning Doves
3 Great-horned Owls
1 Barred Owl
2 Northern Saw-whet Owls
3 Belted Kingfishers
5 Red-headed Woodpeckers
2 Northern Flickers
9 Pileated Woodpeckers
3 Northern Shrikes
2 Red-breasted Nuthatches
10 Brown Creepers
2 American Robins
1 Fox Sparrow
6 Song Sparrows
97 Snow Buntings
4 Common Redpolls
53 Pine Siskins

I didn't bother listing species which are commonplace. I listed Pheasant, Turkey, and Mourning Dove because of the unusually high
numbers. Strangely absent on this year's count were Horned Lark and Cedar Waxwing. Hmmmmm. Sorry folks! No Townsends Solitaire or
Carolina Wren this year. We're still waiting to hear if any of our feeder watchers spotted the Tufted Titmouse I had predicted we'd
get this year. Keeping my fingers crossed....

Happy Holidays everyone!!
Dave Bartkey