[mou] FW: Fairmont CBC

Brad Bolduan bbolduan@rconnect.com
Tue, 23 Dec 2003 22:44:24 -0600

The Fairmont Count was Saturday Dec 20.  It seemed that birds were scarce
almost everywhere we looked.  Most wooded areas without feeders were empty.
Feeder watchers and additional parties in the field (7 parties plus 4
feeders)helped boost our count to 38 species.  No new species were recorded
this year, I had hoped for Meadowlark, as I have seen 7 (1+6)Meadowlarks in
Watonwan and Jackson county in the past week.  Highlights would probably
include; Gadwall, Ringneck Duck, Merlin, Red headed Woodpecker, Northern
Shrike, Harris Sparrow, and unknown crossbills).

Thanks again to all participants.  I will see you Dec 18, 2004.

Canada Goose, 5300
Mallard, 434
Black Duck,3
Ringnecked Duck,1
Lesser Scaup,2
Bald Eagle,1
Sharp-shinned Hawk,1
Red-tailed Hawk,4
Unidentified Buteo (not added to species total),1
Ring-necked Pheasant,30
Rock Dove,211
Mourning Dove,1
Red-headed Woodpecker,1
Red-bellied Woodpecker,6
Downy Woodpecker, 17
Hairy Woodpecker, 8
Northern Flicker, 2
Horned Lark, 60
Blue Jay, 18
American Crow, 137
Blackcapped Chickadee, 32
White-Breasted Nuthatch, 18
Brown Creeper, 3
Northern Shrike, 1
Cedar Waxwing, 60
European Starling, 475
Northern Cardinal, 16
American Tree Sparrow, 27
Harris Sparrow, 1
Dark-eyed Junco, 44
Snow Bunting, 184
Common Grackle, 2
House Finch, 39
Purple Finch, 1
Unknown Crossbill, 3
American Goldfinch, 44
House Sparrow, 1094

Brad Bolduan