[mou] Whooping Crane Relocated

Jay Walter jwalter@ties2.net
Fri, 04 Jul 2003 14:46:17 -0500

After a three hour search of the previously mentioned sites (thanks Bob
Eckblad and Carol Schumacher) and the entire area surrounding Rice Lake St.
Park, I finally located the Whooping Crane in an open field .6 of a mile
North of Rose St./Co. Rd. 19, on N.E. 84th Ave. I searched in intermittent
rain from 8am until 11:10 pm when I found the bird about 200 yards West of
N.E. 84th. He was actively feeding for 20 minutes, completely exposed in an
open field, before flying off to the Southwest in the general direction of
the pond on Co. Rd. 19 across from the house with the red shutters ( just
West of the entrance to the State Park. The bird is sporting a red band on
one leg and a green band or possibly a small radio transmitter on his other
leg. The Crane was alone. No sign of the Sandhill Cranes.
Jay Walter
Minneapolis, MN