[mou] Red, White, and Blue in Murphy-Hanrahan

Thomas Margevicius tominstpaul@msn.com
Sat, 05 Jul 2003 13:46:02 +0000

Greetings birders.

July 4th Karol Gresser and I spent a couple hours in Murphy-Hanrahan park, 
Scott County. All-white bird was Great Egret; all-blue bird was Indigo 
Bunting; all red was the previously reported Summer Tanager. Also of note 
were two singing Hooded Warblers, but I could'nt figure a way to work yellow 
and black into my Holiday theme.

At trail marker 15, turn right (east/south). About 50 yards down that trail 
we saw and heard a Hooded Warbler; another 50 yards we heard a second.

About a quarter mile from the trail marker, the trail descends two hills and 
opens into a clearing ringed by aspens. At around 12:00 noon we heard 
singing, then saw, a male Summer Tanager flying between relatively exposed 
understory branches near the pond on the left(north) of the trail.

Fr. Tom Margevicius

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